

Redeemable Kisses!

Here's a fun and simple thing to do...perhaps when it's been a while since you've done anything "lovey-dovey"...

Give them this:

(a little bag of Hershey kisses...or a little baggie filled with kisses)

Along with the bag, attach a little note that explains that the "tag" on each hershey kiss is redeemable for a real kiss. So, they can save them, use them all at once--whatever they want.

Here's a downloadable tag, if you wish:

Download HERE


  1. Cher, YES!! I love these ideas! Keep 'em comin! I am working on thinking of some to share, too- this was a fantastic idea!

  2. These are so great!!! :) I love everything you have posted. And the downloads are great! Easy to download and print off and use! You totally rock!

  3. Hi Cher! I love everything that you've posted. I found this blog searching the internet for romantic ideas, and seriously this is perfect for me. We definetly don't have any money, and this is perfect! I am also going to tell my bro. in-law about this blog. I know that it's mostly for women but, my sister will absolutly LOVE it if he did these things for her! Thanx again!

  4. oh I love this idea!! I'm going to use it ASAP :) haha

  5. It'll have to be a really small bag of kisses, otherwise my waistline is going to explode. lol


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