Today’s idea comes straight from my husband’s creative mind—seriously, you know you’ve got a keeper when he does fun little things like this.

He did this during the day of our anniversary, while I was at work. I had a time limit to find all the clues and they ultimately led me to a set of gift cards to stores that I love! You could also highlight ONE letter in each clue (make it really obvious) so that in the end, when all of the clues have been found, they will have to do a little word scramble to find the location of the gift….
Here's what you'll need:
1. Envelope with "Agent Name" typed on it
2. The Mission document: download here and adjust as necessary
3. Their favorite treat (my husband gave me Lindor Truffles (my favorite!) in a bag along with the Mission document. (if you don't use those, be sure to change the text where it says "highly gluconated truffles")
4. Red Dots ("homing beacons" to help them find the clue)
5. Small clue cards (I recommend 5-8 clues)
6. The gift(s) or description of gift
My husband's clues and envelope looked like this:

He did this during the day of our anniversary, while I was at work. I had a time limit to find all the clues and they ultimately led me to a set of gift cards to stores that I love! You could also highlight ONE letter in each clue (make it really obvious) so that in the end, when all of the clues have been found, they will have to do a little word scramble to find the location of the gift….
Here's what you'll need:
1. Envelope with "Agent Name" typed on it
2. The Mission document: download here and adjust as necessary
3. Their favorite treat (my husband gave me Lindor Truffles (my favorite!) in a bag along with the Mission document. (if you don't use those, be sure to change the text where it says "highly gluconated truffles")
4. Red Dots ("homing beacons" to help them find the clue)
5. Small clue cards (I recommend 5-8 clues)
6. The gift(s) or description of gift
My husband's clues and envelope looked like this:
Here are some examples of clues that they'll have to "decode" in order to find the location of the next clue. I'm sure you can think of many more that would suit your house better.
1. You spice up my life…it would be bland without you! (leads to spice rack or cupboard)
2. We’ve tread a million miles together and I’ve loved every minute of it (leads to treadmill)
3. I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but the ride has been great (elevator or stairs)
4. Our love only gets better with time (leads to a clock).
5. You're the only one who holds the key to my heart (leads to key rack/holder).
6. You rock my world…(leads to rocking chair or any rocks you may have in the house)
7. I’m head over heels in love with you. (leads to shoe closet)
8. You’re hot! (leads to stove)
2. We’ve tread a million miles together and I’ve loved every minute of it (leads to treadmill)
3. I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but the ride has been great (elevator or stairs)
4. Our love only gets better with time (leads to a clock).
5. You're the only one who holds the key to my heart (leads to key rack/holder).
6. You rock my world…(leads to rocking chair or any rocks you may have in the house)
7. I’m head over heels in love with you. (leads to shoe closet)
8. You’re hot! (leads to stove)
IMPORTANT: If you choose to use my “Mission” document download, be sure to put the first clue in the back of their cell phone. {Hopefully they will figure this out) And, don’t forget to insert the right information on the blank lines…and delete the words in parentheses, duh!)

I loved this! I did it for Ryan (I mean Agent Nocturn...his childhood spy name, that I remembered without asking) today and he was all grins the whole time! It eventually led him to the fridge where I stashed his favorite dinner and cheesecake! This was so fun and easy to do, you did all the work for me. I didn't have any red dots, but have over 800 animal success stickers (ha ha) They are Hannah's "potty stickers" she gets when we are having a good day! This really made Ryan laugh and it personalized it to fit us well and where we are in life. One tip for anyone of you that try this that have girls were taking all of the clues off whatever I attached them may be easier to do when they are napping or if your husband is coming home late after they are already in bed. This took me maybe 15 minutes to prep and was well worth it! Nice idea Cher! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Carli, for sharing! I love the "mom" perspective and I'm sure others will appreciate the tip! I'm so glad Ryan enjoyed it. "Agent Nocturn" is PERFECT for him. haha--makes me laugh just thinking about it!
Ooooh!!! I love this! I'm gonna try it today! our life could use some fun and our marriage could too! lol! THANK YOU!
I am planning on doing this tonight! However, I am giving it my own little spin.. I am going to make it "assasin school" My husband is a HUGE gun enthusiast so ultimately he will be led to his favorite shooting range :) Thanks for all the ideas!! I love your site and it certainly got my mind working :)
I have had this pinned on my pinterest for quite awhile. My husband and I are about to hit our one year anniversary. Which means a paper gift. I thought this would be perfect for the paper gift on our one year. Thanks for sharing your creativity with those who would never think of something this creative. Love it! Excited to see how my husband reacts when he has to do this. =)
Thanks for sharing!! I love this idea! I adapted it a little, as I also wanted to try to recreate our second date 9 years ago for Valentine's day this year :)
Our second date ended with us going to Barnes and Noble and having hot chocolate and playing Battleship. Haha, kind of cheesy, but totally fun! I'm sending him around the store with clues to different sections. I'm using your clues #1, #2, & #4 (for cook books, fitness, calendars) and adding some of my own (for example, "We may not always speak the same language, but you will always be mi amor." for Español.) The last clue will take him to the cafe, where we'll get hot chocolate & I'll bust out the travel Battleship.
Can't wait to try it. Thanks again!
Wow having google ideas for hours I was totally blown away by this idea! A cool mod is making an 'online secret agent' using free profiles like blogger and pinterest.
Thanks a lot!
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