Okay, girls....this will be a fun one. Whether you have military roots or not, enrolling your men in Booty Camp will be the best thing you could ever do to him! I've put a lot of thought into this...hope you enjoy!
First things first. You need a few things:
First things first. You need a few things:
Green/brown balloons (2 or 3)
Plastic army guys (like the ones from Monday's post)
Dog-tag necklace (real or homemade, see below)
Cardtable or any kind of little table
Dog-tag necklace (real or homemade, see below)
Cardtable or any kind of little table
Downloads from this post
Camoflage scrapbook paper/gift wrap, etc. Optional
Camoflage scrapbook paper/gift wrap, etc. Optional
"I Want You" for Booty Camp (like the uncle sam poster) Optional
Camouflage apparel/lingerie for you and him - *MUST HAVE*
Something like this is what I have in mind.... (search ebay)

And, seriously, you've got to look at this a different way. SOME of you are thinking..."There's no way I'm spending 20-30-40 bucks on some army lingerie…" But, think for just a moment. If you were to go out for a date, you'd spend $25 eating out, $20 at the movie…but this is a date that you'll both remember and enjoy...it will be well worth it. Don't short change your themed date/romance nights. Budgeting is good, so plan for this and make it possible!
So, here's how it goes:
1. Invitation/Draft: First, you'll want to give him this invitation in an envelope marked CLASSIFIED. TOP SECRET.

2. Military Apparel: Next, you need to round up some camo gear for BOTH of you. (you may recall Monday's post with a picture of a military girl outfit...this is what I recommend). When he gets home, have his camo attire (boxers, tshirt, whatever you can find) by the door, with a note that says,
"Soldier, report to your barracks to change out of your civilian attire into this Booty Camp issued uniform. Then, report promptly to the enlistment desk."
Have arrows pointing from the bathroom/bedroom (er, barracks) to where the enlistment desk is at (where you'll be waiting for him).
"Soldier, report to your barracks to change out of your civilian attire into this Booty Camp issued uniform. Then, report promptly to the enlistment desk."
Have arrows pointing from the bathroom/bedroom (er, barracks) to where the enlistment desk is at (where you'll be waiting for him).
3. Enlistment Desk: Third, you need to have your "Enlistment Desk" set up. I suggest a cardtable with camo wrapping paper on it (or the closest thing to it). Have some green and brown balloons taped to it and maybe a poster on a mini easle which says "I WANT YOU...for Booty Camp" (like the Uncle Sam ones...you could even take a pic of yourself pointing like Sam does). You also need to have a dog-tag necklace for him to wear. (You can order these online for cheap from army surplus stores) or make your own with string and two cutouts from grey cardstock. Make sure there are 2 tags (you'll see why as you read on...) AND, you'll want to have him sign the Booty Camp Waiver Form.
4. Mess Hall: If he hasn't already eaten dinner, provide him some military mush in the mess hall (kitchen) Plop some mashed potatoes and gravy onto a plate (or tray if you have it) along with a slab of meat. If he has eaten already…then you can forgo this part of the night.
5. Script & Missions: After he's been "enlisted" at the desk and has eaten his mush in the mess hall, you'll want to have him "line up" and stand at attention while you pace back and forth giving instructions with your clipboard in hand. (This way you can use the script!)

You'll want these instructions for Mission #4:

7. Booty Call: After all his missions are completed and he's wiped out (ya, right) then you need to announce. "Soldier, your missions are over. Congratulations at successfully completing Booty Camp. You will now receive the highest rank, the Booty Call. Please follow me…"
The rest is up to you!
Remember, if use my downloads (which you know I slaved away on), please leave a comment! Thanks!
Seen your comment at SITS, thought I would drop by. Cute idea's...
I saw your comment on SITS, and had too see what it was about. Very cute blog.
I think this sounds like a lot of fun. It will definitely come in handy that my husband already has plenty of military "get up" for me to use. I'll admit I've never been big on scenarios and whatnot, but I'm super excited about this one. If all goes well I may be up for more scenarios later.
FYI: I'll most likely be downloading these in the near future, but I'll have to change "Soldier" to "Airman." So, it'll probably be more of a basis to create replicas.
Oh my goodness! That's awesome! That might be just what I need to cheer P up after the shitty week he's already had (one day in).
I haven't really done much in the role play kind of stuff, but I'm sure he'll love it!
That is seriously hilarious! Thanks for helping us all get a little more creative!
Dear Cher,
OH MY GOSH, I just had to take a sec and leave a comment. I found this post through "Ever Changing Life of a Military Wife" blog, and fell in LOVE with your Booty Camp idea! THANK YOU for creating this! My hubby and I just PCS-ed (moved to another base) and as soon as we get settled into our house I am SO going to set this up for him. Oh he is gonna LOVE it. Thank you, from the bottom of my military-wife heart. :)
Just popped over from SITS.....Wow! you really put a lot of thought and time into this! I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the mental picture my brain was painting. Great Idea!
Happy Tuesday!
How do you ever come up with this stuff? You are totally amd almost single-handedly re-vamping my love life lol...
I'm liking this theme, I'll totally have to use this later :)
Thanks so much for this! It sounds so fun and creative! I've downloaded the forms and saved the instructions. I'm going to hang onto this one until after the baby (due in November), I know it'll make for a fun date night.
You are seriously one of the most creative people I "know"!! I think you could start taking requests for special nights for husband/so's. I have my hubby's birthday in August ;) Hehee.
Cher, what happened to that great post about the checks that you made?! I was just on here yesterday or the day before yesterday and it was here. Then I came on here today to print them and they're gone! WHY?! I loved them. Is there any way you can repost them or send me a link to where they are or email them to me? PLEASE?
Mark...hopefully you check this again, because I have no contact information for you! You'll have to email me for me to explain about the checks. My email is ccloveactually@gmail.com
Thanks for visiting me the other day. I'm so glad you did b/c I LOVE your blog! Too cute and looks like it is full of great ideas!! Can't wait to read more!!
geez--you never cease to amaze me--you are brilliant! such a fun idea--i think it will be great!
Cher!! Are you going to go to Vegas in October?! We should so go and share a room!! Wouldn't that be so much fun??? Let me know if you are going to go and if you are bringing the hubby :) It would be so cool to finally meet!!!
This is such a cute idea! When the hubs finally gets home in the fall, I'm so going to try this with him.
This is so cute. I'm not married yet but I could either modify it to be for a not married couple, or just wait till I'm married. I can't believe how creative you are!
SO cute, I also posted you on my other blog thejunkboxes.blogspot.com/
Just found your blog today. LOVE IT! I think my hubby and I would get a total kick out of Booty Camp, and I may just have to give it a try. ;)
I'm trying this for sure. He is in the army and we've got all the stuff needed already, lingerie and all. Thanks for the downloads!
I just downloaded your Booty Call info and can't wait to try it!! Hopefully I'll have some time to shop for all of the goodies in the next week or two. Sure to be a blast!!
got to get this one done in the next few days for Feb's date of the month club. :) thank you.
This is sooooo cute!! My husband comes home from Afghanistan in a couple months- he's already been gone for a year- so I LOVE reading all these crazy fun ideas!! I'm pretty sure he'll get a kick out of this one!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
I think I know what we're doing after my 6-week postpartum checkup... :D
Hey I LOVE this idea! My husband and I had SO much fun with it!
Well, I followed your directions to a T and it turned out perfectly and my husband was super impressed!Thanks for all you do!
Hey Cher, I am super excited because I am doing this with my H this weekend. I will let you know how it goes. One tweak is that instead of army men, my guy will be sent on a mission to find " a classified and very important piece of military equipment" aka a camo thong. His reward will be that I take off the black teddy I will be wearing under the short military style jacket and replace it with just the thong.
Your ideas are fabulous! Thank you a million times for the inspiration you have given us all for romancing our guys on the cheap.
We did this last night. My tweaks:
Mine field was 16 questions about about me/us each had a point value. His goal was to get four in a row right or get a point total of 22 or higher (we have been together for 22 years) When he reached 22 there were questions left so he sat with me on the couch and we went through the rest of them.
I fed him after since our son was at basketball practice from 5-7 and 5 was a little early for dinner. I tried to think of institutional type food and came up with hamburger gravy with peas over rice. Simple, plain and yummy. I also made poached pears for dessert
I forgot the field first aid task :-/ but in total, including dinner, the camp activities took about 40 minutes. Post camp activites??? Not-sayin ;)
He had such fun, the "I Want You" poster was a big hit. I had promised that he would laugh and he did, the whole way through.
Thanks so so much!
Great idea! I hope my husband loves it!
I am not at all creative, so I really appreciate your hard work! My husband, though he doesn't know it yet, thanks you, too!
You absolutely knocked this out. Fantastic job and thank you for sharing!
Love this so much!!! I can't get it to download :( Can you email it to me or tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Love the idea getting ready to try tonight. Instead of finding army guys, i have army guys set up with a few different color of guys in the middle, & he has to shoot all the ones around them with elastics and save his fellow soldiers. I saw this almost a yr ago but i was pregnant at the time. I'm excited to try now tht he is 4 months. My husband will love it! So creative...
Hi, my name is Rhonda, I am very excited to try some of these interesting date night ideas. In need of some spicing up our relationship.... Thank you !!!
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