Today is Wednesday!
....time for a little Midweek Romance....
....time for a little Midweek Romance....
Remember the days of e-cards? They used to be big, not so much anymore... But, I think they are perfect for a midweek surprise to let your spouse know you are thinking of them... is my favorite e-greetings site because it's totally free, I get to see previews of all the e-cards, and it doesn't require me to register.
Go check it out, find your card, and send it today! I know you can do that.
This one is my favorite...good for when you are missing him:
Okay, off you go to send your e-greeting! It just might make his (or her) day!

Hi cher! this website is such a great idea! I love doing little things for my husband that make him smile. I will be implementing the reese cup notes ASAP, they are brilliant!
Have a much loved day!
p.s. anytime you have the urge to do yard just hop a plane to ohio. i'll pick you up, no questions asked....other than " wanna do some laundry too?"
Aww this is such a sweet idea!
haha my husband used to tease me because I'd send these so often.
I did the Reese's cup thing two nights ago. He almost ate them without noticing so I ran and turned the lights on in the living room. LOL He loved it and couldn't figure out how I got it done without opening the package. ROFL
Oh, I love E-Cards! haha. My husband and I sent them to each other all the time when we were dating (while we were apart)! Just goes to show absence CAN make the heart grow fonder... especially when receiving cute little talking hearts with cheesy music or something. haha.
I used to do this all the time (especially when he was working in Nebraska and I was here, in SC)...but not so much anymore. Thanks for reminding me how much fun these could be!!
Thank you for coming over to my blog and cheering me up. Made my day
I still love an e-card! Call me old fashioned...hee hee
I used to do Hallmark e cards a lot until they started arriving with a virus...oops.
Im gonna go check on that now! Thanks Cher!
I am here from SITS. Thanks for visiting my site.
Thats the only way I send cards to my hubby and grandparents.
Y'know, I used to send e-cards all the time--but I hardly ever send them anymore. Thanks for the reminder!
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