Camping is a great way to smoke some fire into a relationship. Sitting by a crackling campfire, exploring nature’s wonders, or snuggling together on a cool evening...aww, you can’t beat camping for low cost, big fun, and great romance!
Now, you may not be a camper...but chances are, your spouse is. Or...vice versa. So, plan this adventure (if even for just one night). Camping forces you to get away from everything--there are no computers (no blogs to read! *gasp*), tvs, or children to distract you. (I'm not discouraging family campouts...just encouraging one "husband and wife only" campout) ...where you truly get to be alone together.
Plan it together, or make it a surprise...But whatever you do, try to throw in a few details that will make this campout as romantic as is possible....for camping, anyway.
Make yourself a checklist to plan your campout, but these things I consider most important:

Plan it together, or make it a surprise...But whatever you do, try to throw in a few details that will make this campout as romantic as is possible....for camping, anyway.
Make yourself a checklist to plan your campout, but these things I consider most important:
- Tent
- Queen size air mattress
- Queen size sleeping bag (fits two) - this is a must-have. We got ours as a wedding gift and love it! If you don't have one, maybe this could be a gift to tell your spouse of your upcoming camping date...
- Pillows
- Flashlights
- Food (if you choose to build a fire, get all the goods...)
- Wet Wipes, Towel (and other necessary items)
- Camoflage Lingerie (or atleast something green, brown, and cute)
- Ghost stories--there's nothing like being a little creeped out that can bring a girl closer to her man
Here are some links to ghost stories to print out:
(be warned: some of these are creepy and maybe a little gross... but that's the point-- I was trying to pick out the stories that I'd be scared to listen to and would make me hide my face in my husband's chest) - Death Waltz
Other stories: HERE and HERE
If ghost stories are not your thing, then I suggest watching a movie on a laptop in the tent (make sure the battery is charged!)
The best advice I have for romantic camping is not to worry about getting dirty...(you can do the laundry when you get home!)
After all, this may be the only campout when you'll allow fire IN the tent. :)
If outdoor camping just isn't your about a little indoor camping with the one you love?

That's a fab idea. :) Thanks for sharing!
Wow!! I wanna go camping!! Thanks Cher!!
Camping is always fun and can definitely be oh-so-romantic! It's nice getting out of your normal elements for a bit.
We are already planning a camping trip for next month, so this definitely is something I may implement. Thanks!
I have never been camping but I'd love to go...I wonder if my babe would go for it...
I don't think I can do this one. I go camping grudgingly. I don't like dirt and the outdoors. I'm a bit of a freak. You have fun though. :)
Cher, your hubby must LOVE LOVE LOVE you so very much :) What cute and innovative ideas you have! I love them and this site :)
Cute ideas! I love all the ghost storis links, too. :)
Thanks for visiting my site...its so nice to know that people really read my post. You have an awesome blog with great ideas. My husband loves to hunt, fish & camp...I might have to tag along with some of these ideas :O)
Man it's been ages since just me and my hubby went camping ALONE, but better wait until I'm not prego :)
I have trying to convince my husband to take me camping! His motto is "no fun till the house is done" though (we are building a house) so maybe after it is built!!!!
Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by my page! I am loving your blog! Its just what I need! so I am not the biggest fan in the world of tent camping...but we do love the little cabins at KOA...they just have a bed and ac, and there are bathrooms around the park! heehhehe! Come on, can't that count too???
I am a follower now!
Love your blog!
Hey! Pleasant surprise to see a comment from you on my very own blog! Yep we are pretty bummed about Cancun. Any nice honeymoon ideas? We go to Weber State actually. Thanks for your comment!
That's a good one Cher.. but my husband is a big weenie for bugs.
I think we may be doing this idea for our upcoming Anniversary. We wanted to get away for the weekend and with hotel prices and no money- I think we'll opt for our tent and make a romantic adventure of it. :)
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