Look up restaurants in your love's area which deliver. Order something you know he'll/she'll like and have them deliver it to their door. Arrange to have the tip paid on your credit card, and maybe you can schmooze them into scribbling a little love note to attach with the dinner. (Be sure that they'll be there to accept it.
Boudoir Photos:
This might be a litle risque for some of you, but it was recommend to me by Mallory at Pope Hill Photography. She started doing boudoir photos for military wives, however, it can apply perfectly for any type of long-distant couples. If you have a tripod and digital camera, this will eleminate a 3rd person from viewing your photos. Seriously, how much would your spouse love something like this when he's away from you?!
Before You Go
Before they leave, give him/her a little bag with these goodies and a can of sprite with this note attached:

Countdown Calendar:
When it gets down to 30 days (or 15, or 10, whatever), do a fun count-down via email (if you didn't plan ahead of time) OR.... send a package in the mail with 30 envelopes. Instruct them not to open the package until the date in which the countdown begins.
On each envelope, write the number for the day, "25 days left..." Only one can be opened each day. In the envelope, have a little coupon/index card which has a reason why you love him/her, and something you want to do with them when you're back together. Get as creative as you'd like with this.
Scavenger Hunt
Send him/her an email/letter with instructions for a little adventure. Give them clues (like specific directions or riddles) that will take them from their home to their destinations. It may take a lot of planning and schmoozing with locals, but you could "guide" them to a local bakery to get a treat you pre-ordered for them and then to a restaurant for a pre-ordered reservation/meal/take-out, and then to a store where a special gift is waiting for them. This idea has endless possibilities.
These are three of my favorite things/ideas on their site..

You an order these bracelets for him and her for $4.50.
"Love Knows No Distance"
HoochyMail - #6 This is funny! HoochyMail is a website where you enter information and it automatically generates a story with your names/info in a MadLib type fashion. You choose the story level: sexy, x-rated, or off the wall. You gotta give it a try. (You don't have to be in a LDR to use this.)

The miles between you don't have to ruin your date nights....try some online games HERE!
So, what do you think? Do you have any other creative ideas to offer long distance relationship couples?

I've been in an LDR for 2.5 years and it'll be 3 years before we're finally married. I just love some of these ideas and can't wait to start using some of them!
I wanted to add that people can still have Movie Date Nights! We do it all the time. Both people need to rent the same movie and start it at the same time. Then either have the instant messenger ready or the phone handy and you can talk about the movie while it's going on!
Man, a two-week vacation really screws up your blog reading. haha. I've got a lot to catch up on.
I absolutely LOVE all of these ideas especially since my husband (as you know) is in the military and we're apart a bit more often than most civilian couples. I'm so glad you shared these, and I'm excited I have better ideas to keep the romance while he's away.
I have been in a long distance relationship for almost 3.5 years Cher and man, is it ever tough but these are FAB ideas and I will def be using the coupon one! What a fun idea. The fiance would love that :) Thanks for sharing!
Another awesome idea!!
these are such great ideas, thanks so much for your help!
We're going to be a LD couple pretty soon. I'm so glad you posted these ideas. They're fabulous! Thanks!
I'm not in a LDR but my husband is going on a trip for a week and I used the "Before you go" idea, and he loved it!! I also hid treats with little sayings in his luggage and around the house. Thanks for the great ideas, they're so fun!
HoochyMail is way cute! can't wait to use it!
Love these ideas! Thought I would share an idea with you!
When my husband was in basic training, I wrote him a letter every day he was gone. I sent one everyday and I had also typed them out and saved them on the computer. At the end of his basic training for graduation i gave him a published book, of all the love letters I had written him! You can get it published for very cheap at www.lulu.com I even added pictures, and little love quotes as well to make more interesting! Now he can have my letters forever! :)
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