

Chinese Date Night

Dim the lights, clear the furniture away, leave the forks in the drawer, and enjoy dinner on the floor with chopsticks for this Chinese Date Night.

This is a themed date night which may require a little planning and perhaps a trip to the party store, dollar store, or a stop by the Love, Actually Boutique (when it's actually ready--not quite yet!)

Here's what you'll need:

  • Chopsticks (see if you can snag 2 sets from a take-out place nearby)
  • Take-out Boxes (you can usually find these around $1.00 at craft stores)
  • Oriental Music - I just played these sample clips from Amazon
  • Red, Gold and Black accents (decor)
  • Chinese Food for dinner...see below
  • Fortune Cookies (real or paper....check these out )
- You can also look for Oriental clothing (I found the hats below at iParty).
-I saw slippers which matched the hats at Target for $2.50 a pair.

*picture, candle holder, mats, and chop sticks all from Target. (spent $10)

Now, for the food.
There's a few ways you can do this, which I have categorized for your convenience. :)

Lazy - Have "takeout" delivered.
Easy - Have your spouse pickup takeout.
Not-hard - Buy "frozen takeout" (orange chicken from Costco, Trader Joe's, etc.)
Superwoman Style - Make your own Chinese food.

If you want to be "Superwoman", then by all means...try these recipes.

Orange Chicken

Sweet and Sour Chicken

Beef Noodle Bowl

Wonton Salad

Egg Rolls and Fried Rice

After Dinner:

Have a fortune cookie(s) in a take-out box (I would have one real one to eat, and then a paper fortune cookie with your own fortune in it..)

Ideas for fortunes:
"Tonight will be a lucky night for you..."
"A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection."
"The time to make love is now..."

I'll let you take it from there....Best of luck!


  1. I just love this idea! In fact, our anniversary is coming up and I was going to do something similar to that. wow. you always have the best ideas.

  2. o.k. so i cannot wait to do this one for date night, but what i cannot wait for even more is the Love Actually Boutique!:) i must agree, you have the BEST ideas!

  3. How fun. My husband loves chinese so this would be perfect... definitely something to hold on to when he gets back from his deployment in a few months.

  4. Yum those recipes look delicious. Thanks for the awesome idea!! I'll also definitely be using that last fortune idea, it makes me laugh!

  5. I love this idea! Now we just need to move out of my mom's house! lol. We move in a month and I am so excited to try so many things here. I have to say your husband is a lucky man! :)

  6. haha--Shirley, yes moving out of your mom's house is the 1st step!

    Courtney - I hope you are doing well while your hubby is gone...keep remembering that "distance makes the heart grow fonder!" I think all of us that have our husband's home full-time admire you!!

    And, thanks, girls. This blog keeps me busy for sure...good ideas or bad! Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  7. What a fun idea! I am going to have to try it. Chinese is my hubby's favorite.

    Just a tip, if you put fortune cookies in the microwave for a few seconds you can open them up, take out the fortune and put your own in. That might be a little more fun that making them out of paper. I have never actually tried it before, but my brother has done it countless times, so I do know it works! Thanks so much for all your wonderful fun ideas!

  8. So fun! I love the colors and how everything looks.

  9. My husband and I lived in China right after we were married, so I LOVE this idea. I even have an oriental dress, purse, and umbrella! :) Maybe for our anniversary next month...

  10. Love, Actually is in the air. No matter what ethnicity you are love doesn't matter for that. All i know that people are in love especially in this heart month. They are in love either in free online dating or in person.

  11. I'll try making this to my partner. Thanks for such an awesome ideas.
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  12. How fun. My husband loves chinese so this would be perfect... definitely something to hold on to when he gets back from his deployment in a few months. afghan pakol hat , vintage choker , sew on embroidered patches , Hand Made Tribal Dress


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