Every Halloween, there seems to be some function that requires a costume. Be prepared this year and go together as a pair....

Here's a list I've pulled together that you might consider:
Cookie and Glass of Milk
Morton Salt and an Energizer Battery (assault and battery)
Hershey Hug and Hershey Kiss
UPS or FedEx Delivery Guy and Package
Barbie and Ken
Burger King and Dairy Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Aladdin and Jasmine
Bam Bam and Pebbles
Batman and Cat Woman
Batman & Robin
Beauty (Belle) & the Beast
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Donald and Daisy Duck
Dwarf (one of seven) and Snow White
Elastic Girl and Mr. Incredible
Marge and Homer Simpson
Tim & Heidi (from "Home Improvement")
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Morticia and Gomez (from "The Addams Family")
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
Shrek and Princess Fiona
Superman and Wonder Woman
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Hugh Hefner and Playboy Bunny
Adam and Eve
Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith
Santa and Mrs. Claus
Sonny and Cher
Christmas Tree and Gift
Ball and Chain
Bee and Beekeeper
Bride and Groom
Cheerleader and Football Player
Devil and Angel
Doctor and Nurse
Farmer and Wife
Fisherman and Mermaid (she's hooked on his pole or caught in his net)
Granny and Grandpa
King and Queen
Nerdy Couple
Pair of Dice
Police Officer and Prisoner
Priest and Nun
Prom King and Queen
Ventriloquist and Dummy
Danny & Sandy (from "Grease")
Dorothy & the Scarecrow, Lion, or Tin Man
Steve and Terry Irwin (from "Animal Planet Show")
And a few that need a little explanation:
Salt and Pepper: one spouse would wear all black and the other would wear all white and contrasting letter on our shirts to the color we are wearing.
Fred and Wilma Flintstone: Fred could have a car, like the one they drive with the feet sticking out, held up by suspenders
Bun in the Oven: Great for pregnant couple. Woman wears box painted like oven and man wears baker's hat and apron!
Caught in Lover’s Lane: Man can wear a button-down shirt buttoned all wrong, lipstick kisses on his face and shirt, pants slightly unzipped, shoes untied or on wrong feet and hair messed up. Woman can wear skirt tucked into back of pantyhose, missing one shoe, make up smeared, hair messed up, buttons of shirt buttoned wrong, etc.
"Boo-Hoo": A ghost (boo) and an owl (who)
Heinz Mustard and Ketchup: Dress in all red or all yellow, with felt M or K on chest, birthday hat painted the same color for top)
There are lots of other ideas on the web, but I thought this was a good list of inspiration. One of these me and my hubby will actually go as "Sonny and CHER"---haven't brought myself to do it yet. :)
Cookie and Glass of Milk
Morton Salt and an Energizer Battery (assault and battery)
Hershey Hug and Hershey Kiss
UPS or FedEx Delivery Guy and Package
Barbie and Ken
Burger King and Dairy Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Aladdin and Jasmine
Bam Bam and Pebbles
Batman and Cat Woman
Batman & Robin
Beauty (Belle) & the Beast
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Donald and Daisy Duck
Dwarf (one of seven) and Snow White
Elastic Girl and Mr. Incredible
Marge and Homer Simpson
Tim & Heidi (from "Home Improvement")
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Morticia and Gomez (from "The Addams Family")
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
Shrek and Princess Fiona
Superman and Wonder Woman
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Hugh Hefner and Playboy Bunny
Adam and Eve
Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith
Santa and Mrs. Claus
Sonny and Cher
Christmas Tree and Gift
Ball and Chain
Bee and Beekeeper
Bride and Groom
Cheerleader and Football Player
Devil and Angel
Doctor and Nurse
Farmer and Wife
Fisherman and Mermaid (she's hooked on his pole or caught in his net)
Granny and Grandpa
King and Queen
Nerdy Couple
Pair of Dice
Police Officer and Prisoner
Priest and Nun
Prom King and Queen
Ventriloquist and Dummy
Danny & Sandy (from "Grease")
Dorothy & the Scarecrow, Lion, or Tin Man
Steve and Terry Irwin (from "Animal Planet Show")
And a few that need a little explanation:
Salt and Pepper: one spouse would wear all black and the other would wear all white and contrasting letter on our shirts to the color we are wearing.
Fred and Wilma Flintstone: Fred could have a car, like the one they drive with the feet sticking out, held up by suspenders
Bun in the Oven: Great for pregnant couple. Woman wears box painted like oven and man wears baker's hat and apron!
Caught in Lover’s Lane: Man can wear a button-down shirt buttoned all wrong, lipstick kisses on his face and shirt, pants slightly unzipped, shoes untied or on wrong feet and hair messed up. Woman can wear skirt tucked into back of pantyhose, missing one shoe, make up smeared, hair messed up, buttons of shirt buttoned wrong, etc.
"Boo-Hoo": A ghost (boo) and an owl (who)
Heinz Mustard and Ketchup: Dress in all red or all yellow, with felt M or K on chest, birthday hat painted the same color for top)
There are lots of other ideas on the web, but I thought this was a good list of inspiration. One of these me and my hubby will actually go as "Sonny and CHER"---haven't brought myself to do it yet. :)
love your new blog layout! I liked your "about" page--you and your husband are such a beautiful couple! thanks for these ideas, this year we were going to a couples dress up party and now my hubs has to go out of town:( so I will use these fabulous ideas for next year!!!
Layout looks great! Cute Halloween ideas....
I really adore your new, user-friendly layout. Your blog is amazing and inspiring! I won't be able to dress up this year but I'll be referring your site to anyone I know looking for ideas...
these are really great ideas! its sometimes hard to think up couple costumes. now if i could only get my fiance to dress up with me!
btw - great site layout!
Thanks for you comments, ladies! I wish I could take the credit for the design...but this time someone designed it for me! I'm a big fan of the new design as well and I'm glad you like it. (Carolynn from myblogmakeover.blogspot.com is the creative one behind it all!)
Very nice, creative ideas.
Thanks. They are awesome!!!
Way fun! I wasn't even going to dress up this year, but this may have changed my mind. And I love the new format!
P.S. It's Tim & Jill from Home Improvement :)
I am a new blogger with a new site http://www.aladdincostume.net/. Your site has content that I believe my visitors would like. I would appreciate it if we could exchange links. If interested shoot me an email at kenneth.elliott@marketassociate.com.
Kenneth Elliott
I have an award waiting for you http://www.myredapron.com/2009/10/best-blog-award.html
We are dressing up as M&M's. I have the green and my hubs has the red costume.
I love the costume ideas! Especially the buns in the oven. I think that is what I will use this year!
Haha. Way fun!!! There are definitely some great ideas! I love the bun in the oven one! Barbie and Ken is way fun! I'll think I'll have to do that one. And the doctor and nurse would be perfect for us since my husband is getting ready to start med school!
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