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The Red Barn Giveaway

A friend of mine from college is one of the owners of the "Big Red Barn" in Santaquin, Utah. And, in keeping with the Valentine spirit of this blog this month, she wanted to offer one of Love, Actually's followers one of these cute little packages of chocolate or yogurt covered cherries! Fun, right? Thanks, Chelsea!

To qualify, you must first:
1. Be a follower of Love, Actually --->
2. Become a fan of The Red Barn on Facebook by clicking HERE
(comment letting me you've got both of these steps covered)

{Bonus entries:}
Leave a seperate comment for each bonus entry

1. Vote for Love Actually on Top Mommy Blogs by clicking here
2. Visit southridgefarms.com - they've got lots of fun stuff on their site!

Giveaway ends Friday, February 5!


Rhonda said...

Great giveaway!

I'm both a follower of Love Actually and fan of the Red Barn.


Rhonda said...

Voted for Love Actually!

Rhonda said...

Visited southridgefarms.com - love the pic of the red barn in front of the snow covered mountains. beautiful!

Carol said...

I'm a fan of Red Barn on Facebook!

Unknown said...

Enter me in this sweet giveaway, I'm a happy follower!

Carol said...

I voted for you!

Patricia said...

i am a follower of your blog!

Patricia said...

i am a fan on facebook!!!

Ryan and Brooke Ross said...

I'm a follower of Love, Actually. I absolutely love your ideas and creativity. You're amazing!

Ryan and Brooke Ross said...

I'm a fan of The Red Barn on Facebook. Their stuff is adorable and cherries sound delicious!

Unknown said...

I follow you! Jenglamgirl@gmail.com
or Larsenloves.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

I voted for your blog too!

Ryan and Brooke Ross said...

I checked out the southridgefarms.com site.

Stephanie said...

i'm a follower!

i just love your blog and all the amazing ideas you have! :)

Stephanie said...

and i'm a fan of the red barn on facebook! :)

Stephanie said...

i also voted for your blog! :)

Terri Steffes said...

I am a follower and a fan, and voted for your blog!

BriAnne said...

I'm a follower and a fan! And I voted! :)

Stephanie Hartman said...

♥I have been following this blog I also just became a fan of The Red Barn on Facebook ....

♥♥Stephanie H.♥♥

Stephanie Hartman said...

♥I have Voted for Love Actually on Top Mommy Blogs,I also checked out
southridgefarms.com I was browsing there Recipes and I thought that the Cherry Buttermilk Scones look and sound AMAZING!!!

♥♥Stephanie H.♥♥

Valerie said...

I love yummy prizes. I follow your blog and am a fan of Red Barn on Facebook.

Valerie said...

I visited Southridgefarms.com also. I have been thinking of going there for a few months, but had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder!

~M~ said...

I am a follower!

~M~ said...

I'm a facebook fan of Big Red Barn!

Terry said...

I'm a follower of Love, Actually.
I'm a fan of The Red Barn in Facebook. Thanks. :)

The frazzled Wifey said...

I'm a follower!

The frazzled Wifey said...

I am a fan on facebook

The frazzled Wifey said...

My husband is now shopping on southridgefarms.com He's going to make me gain weight I can tell

Terry said...

Visited southridgefarms.com. The cherry buttermilk scones look delicious!!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog

Anonymous said...

I tried to vote for you but I cant seem to do it right... I tried 3 times LOL...

~M~ said...

I voted for Love, Actualy at Top Mommy Blogs!

Unknown said...

I am a follower/have you listed on my blog roll to check in on daily :)

Unknown said...

am a fan of both on fb.

Unknown said...

visited & bookmarked their site for later shopping!

these yogurt covered cherries would be perfect for our Valentine's weekend away w/friends!

Deanna said...

I'm a follower! :)

Deanna said...

I voted for Love, Actually! Good luck!!

Deanna said...

Wow--I visited their site and I'm riveted by the beautiful photo on the home page. It's gorgeous!! I wanna vacation there!!

Tara said...

follower and fan of both!!

makana said...

I am a follower. I would LOVE those yummy treats

makana said...

I became a fan also!

makana said...

I visited southridge farms. I was so delighted to see they have yogurt covered cherries!

Rhonda said...

I follow your blog! ;o) Thanks!

Rhonda said...

I am now a fan of Red Barn on FB! Thanks for the chance!

Jen T said...

Follower and Fan!

Mia White said...

Chocolate covered cherries are my FAVORITE! Curious about the yogart ones, too. I'm fasting from chocolate for all of 2010, so i would try those, anyway. And those little red heart bags are DARLING, too. I'm a follower & now a fan. Pick me!

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

I'm already a follower of Love Actually...and Love it!

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

I'm a fan of Red Barn on facebook!

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

I have voted for Love Actually on Top Mommy Blogs..of course I gave you guys a 10!

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

I vistied southridgefarms.com and have added it to my favorites!!

Gosfam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gosfam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

follower and fan -- thanks!

Gosfam said...

I follow Love, Actually. The yogurt covered ones sound EXTRA yummy. Fan of Red Barn on facebook too.

mattles22 at yahoo dot com

Gosfam said...

I visited South Ridge Farm and the Cherry Lovers Special Gift Box sounds good.

The Royal Family said...

1. i'm already a follower
2. I had no idea the red barn had a fan site and I am so glad you showed me I love that place!!! and it's yummy ice cream! so i'm a fan! count me in!

The Royal Family said...

I didn't know they had a site, I want everything on it! WOW thanks again!

Kim Sandling said...

I'm a follower!

Kim Sandling said...

I'm a fan of Red Barn!

Kim Sandling said...

I love their website! The snow in the background is so beautiful! I wished I lived in Utah to visit the store! I want one of everything!

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I am a follower of love actually and a fan of Red Barn on face book.

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I voted for you

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I visited there website. The strawberry peach salsa sounds yummy. They have lots of good stuff I want to try. Maybe I can make a trip to Utah.

Jen Hargraves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

I'm a follower of the red barn and Love Actually

Anne said...

I am a follower of you, and now a facebook fan of Red Barn!

Anne said...

I visited the website- everything looks so good!

Jen Hargraves said...

I am a follower and a fan of Red Barn!

Anne said...

I voted!

Shari said...

I'm a follower of yours and I fanned BRB on FB.

Shari said...

I voted

Shari said...

I visited that site. The picture on the home page makes me want to go visit. I <3 snow and I've never actually been in a barn! It's a beautiful photo!

Christy said...

I am a follower and became a fan of The Red Barn on Facebook!

Christy said...

My vote is in on Top Mommy Blogs!

Christy said...

I visited Southridgefarms.com and I must say that the recipe for the Cherry Buttermilk Scones lookes delicious and I will be trying it!!

Kitschalicious said...

What a great day to become a follower! I also became a fan of Big Red Barn!

Kitschalicious said...

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs! YAY YOU!

Kitschalicious said...

Visited southridgefarms.com! Let me just say I may be buying the Chocolate Almonds and Cherries! Mmm...

Erin said...

I'm a follower of yours and a fan on FB

Erin said...

i'm a red barn fan :)

Erin said...

follower here! erin smilin_chick@hotmail.com

Sal-my-gal said...

Already a follower!

The Allen Family said...

Very cool! I'm your follower and now a fan of Red Barn. (Dezi Allen)

Erin said...

facebook fan erin smilin_chick@hotmail.com

Sal-my-gal said...

Facebook Fan!

The Allen Family said...

Visited their website. There are lots of great things. I love the Breakfast Feast box, that'd make a great gift.

Stacy said...

Hi! I follow your blog and also became a fan of Red Barn on facebook! Love your site!

matt and steph said...

I am a follower of your blog and became a fan of The Red Barn!
Thanks! Stephanie

matt and steph said...

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

matt and steph said...

I visited the South Ridge Farms website! Thanks! Stephanie

Jen said...

Yum, yum, yum...

Steps 1 and 2, check: fan and follower!

Jen said...

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs! Love you!

Jen said...

Visited South Ridge Farms... OMG, the location is gorgeous! I would love to be able to visit there IRL. I would buy all of the snack items! I love those little bags of treats. Especially Moose Tracks. Yum!

RBadger said...

I am a follower of Love Actually and a follower of The Red Barn!

RBadger said...

I voted for your blog! I love it!

RBadger said...

I visited Southridgefarms.com - what a cool site. Thanks!

Lindsay said...

I am a follower and a fan! This place is awesome, been there a few times!

Lindsay said...

voted for you

Lindsay said...

went to there site! everything is so yummy...I have tried several things!

Ashley said...

Ok, I don't know how to follow blogs, and I don't have facebook, but I just wanted to tell you that I am in LOVE with Love Actually! I just found your blog on Sunday when a friend of mine gave me the address. I think I've already read all your posts too! I made some mailboxes, and I did the Valentine Advent, and me and a goup of friends are planning an Amazing Race party, and SEVERAL more ideas ready!
I've already told all of my friends about you, and we've spent a few hours laughing and giggling over some really great ideas.
Thanks for this amazing blog! I will at least vote for you, I know how to do that!

Anonymous said...

Definitely become a follower. Love all the great ideas! Also a fan on facebook!

Erin said...

I'm qualified (follower and fan)!

Erin said...

I visited southridgefarms!

Anonymous said...

Just visited southridgefarms.com - can't wait to try their Cherry Buttermilk Scones recipe! Sounds delicious, esp with the oatmeal!

chris m. said...

A new fan. Both on facebook and your blog. Cute ideas.

Olivia said...

I am a Fan of the Red Barn on Facebook (Olivia Smith)

Olivia said...

I voted for Love, Actually on Top Mommy Blogs and gave it a rating of a 10 :)

Olivia Smith

Stephanie said...

I'm a follower already!

Stephanie said...

I am also a fan on Facebook!

Kenz said...

I am a follower, a fan of Red Barn, and have voted for Love actually on Top Blogs. Woohoo!

Heather said...

I'm a follower of Love, Actually and now a fan of the Red Barn.

Anne said...

I follow love actually

Anne said...

FB fan of the red barn

Anne said...

I voted for love actually

Anne said...

I visited southridgefarms.com and I would like to try the Recipe for Easy Apple Cinnamon Pancakes!

Marci Wittwer Butterfield said...

I am a follower and a fan of Red Barn.

Ginny said...

Following & a facebook fan!

morgan said...

I follow! And I'm friends with Chelsea too! :)

morgan said...

I'm a fan of TRB!

Unknown said...

I did both, but I wanted to add that I am so excited to follow this blog!

Zimms Zoo said...

I am a follower and i fanned the red barn.

Zimms Zoo said...

I voted.

Unknown said...

I am a follower of you and red barn, and i love all of your cute ideas.

Unknown said...

i voted.. thanks.

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

I am a follower and a fan! Fun giveaway!

Kristy said...

Did it!!!

D... said...

I'm a follower and a fan. I hope it's not too late! :) Those things sound yummy!! :)

Unknown said...

Hey! What a great idea! I actually live really close to The Big Red Barn! I think this would be a fabulous gift for my sweetie. I'm a follower, and I heart your site!

Unknown said...

I'm also followin' on facebook. ;)

Unknown said...

And, here's a little comment to get me another little enrty! Happy Valentines day!

dntbaker said...

oh my gosh i'm sooo excited for this.. my husbands mission presdent is the owner. we love the barn and visit it everytime we go to SL.. seriously the best best icecream in the world!!
so #1 entry

dntbaker said...

#2- can i just say i love your blog and i did the 12 dates for a year for Christmas and its been the best thing ever.. last month was melting pot this month bowling!

dntbaker said...

#3 - i hope i win :) i have wanted to order something off their site for awhile and suprise him.

dntbaker said...

#4 officially a follower of yours and a fan of them! thanks for the opportunity

CJJB Fam said...

I am a follower of Love, Actually and a fan of Red Barn on facebook.

CJJB Fam said...

Maybe I'm stupid but I couldn't figure out how to vote. I tried a number of times.

CJJB Fam said...

I visited southridgefarms.com

Leah said...

i'm a follower!


Leah said...

i voted for you!

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