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Shower Love Notes

Am I really guest blogging on the fabulous Love Actually?! I am so tickled I could scream. This is one of my favorite blogs of all time (for obvious reasons). I fell in love with Love Actually the second I laid eyes on it! How can you not? Everything on here is just so thoughtful, cute, romantic, and creative.Yes, it was love at first sight. Thanks Cher, for having me!

So I am Shelley, A busy mom of 3 (under the age 2 - whew), and one of the three gals behind HowDoesShe.com. At HowDoesShe, we are in awe of all the amazing women around us. We always seem to be asking, “How Does She do this, or How Does She do that”? While none of us is perfect, we all seem to be striving to become better. Better mothers, better wives, better women. We are on the journey to figure it out! ;) Hop on over and say hello! We love new friends and hope you love HowDoesShe.

On to the good stuff. In my marriage, shower notes help to keep things ''steamy'' :)

I may or MAY not have had to erase some of our 'shower love notes' before taking these pictures. ;)


Shower Love Notes make me Smile! This is the funnest way to keep a romance alive. Someone gave me a box of shower crayons for my bridal shower almost 7 years ago {yikes}! -Now, the first thing I do when I hop in the shower is look for a new love note 'to me: from him'. Sometimes they are just a simple 'I love you', sometimes its a note of encouragement, sometimes its a 'thank you', and sometimes it just may be suggestive. ;) You get the idea!


I used to find them at Walmart, but they've been missing lately. I've noticed crayola markers there, but they just don't work the same (they bleed). I've heard you can find them at Target? You can also snag a crayon set at crayolastore.com


I always keep several of these on hand to give out as bridal shower gifts (usually paired with towels, bubble bath, loufas, etc).


Here's to getting a 'little dirty' while getting clean! ;)

Some of our other recent posts include...

Simple ways to show love with food

Cookie Sucker Tutorial

Floating Frame Tutorial

and My Favorite Things Tutorial

and more! Come stop by!

Thanks again Cher, for letting HowDoesShe share some 'LOVE' :)


makana said...

I love both THIS blog and HOWDOESHE. I got myself some of these and love how excited I am to get into the shower. Thank you for your hard work and your creativity.

Gosfam said...

Love the idea!! Glad you could visit Love Actually. I am going to have to keep this in mind.

Jami Balmet said...

Aaaw that is an adorable idea!!!!!! I want to go get some shower markers right now!!!

Thanks for sharing! this is oh so cute! I'm heading over to check out your blog right now!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the shower crayons... I have never heard of them b4... my boyfriend & I leave pos-it notes on the bathroom mirror for each other...I am going 2 buy me some of them.


starnes family said...

What a great idea for gifts. I would have never thought of this for adults. Thanks!

Kimberly Job said...

What a great bridal shower gift idea. I'm gonna buy some.

Valerie said...

I love this idea!

We used to leave each other notes on the bathroom mirror with those glass-writing markers that people use on car windows. Cute and fun, too, but always up for something new!

Thanks for the tip....hopping over to check out howdoesshe!

Valerie said...

Such a cute idea! I've never heard of shower crayons, but will definitely be buying some now!! The only thing is my youngest daughter prefers to shower in our shower instead of hers. Guess we'll have to write in Spanish since she doesn't understand that.

Rebecca D said...

What a fun, sweet idea... I may need to try this...

Anonymous said...

This is such a fun idea. I love it.

Sal-my-gal said...

So cute!

BriAnne said...

I love this idea! I'm totally picking some up today! :)

Shahny said...

This is sucha great idea. AND i have a bridal shower to go to tonight! Thank you!

Kathryn said...

I LOVE this idea!! I am going to have to get me some shower crayons!! :)

melissabastow said...

Hey, I know you!!!

We sort of used to do this, but we used the kids' foam bath letters. You have to get a bit more creative with those, and spelling never counts.

Carol said...

So cute. Would it be ok for me to give these to my future daughter-in-law for her shower?

Laura said...

That is an awesome idea! I hope I can find those here.

Cher said...

Carol...I think that'd absolutely be an okay gift! To make it fun, I'd give her a card with a link to this post and this blog so she can see how they are intended to be used. PLUS--what newlywed wouldn't enjoy a bunch of fun, lovey-dovey ideas to start her marriage off with? I think she would think you are the coolest mother-in-law ever!

Sal-my-gal said...

It just occured to me that half my children can read...

Unknown said...

What a surprise to see you on here Shelly. We went to HS together! I love this blog and it looks like I need to check out your How Does She? site too! Great ideas here. Thanks!!

Steph said...

My husband and I do this too!! I have had a hard time finding them as well...I always just checked the Crayola aisle..but not so much. I have had more luck finding them more often in the baby aisles, with the bath toys, Johnson's Baby Bath, etc. Happy Showering ;)

Shelley said...

21 comments! Whoo Hoo! :) I'm so glad you all love the idea! Leslie,....Omigosh! It is such a small world! :) Lets catch up on FB. --Cher,...Thanks once again for featuring us. :)

Just Your Ordinary Housewife said...

I bought some of these the end of January for my husband as a fun little inexpensive gift. Got them at Target in the baby section (by the baby lotions and body washes about $5). He loves them! i left him a little note, and when I took a shower the next morning, there was a fun love note to me on one wall and on the other wall? an entire wall full of dinosaurs, elephants, rhinos and birds! (Did I mention my hubby is a child at heart?) I laughed so hard... It just makes for a fun thing to look forward to in the shower! And I don't think there's been a day that has gone by without something on the shower walls since I bought them!

kimi said...

my mom has been doing this for years but she uses a white board pen and writes on the far wall. never smears! she used to write us notes to start our day (bible verse or notes about what we needed to accomplish that day) she had a captive audience ;)

Carole said...

I love this idea! Thank you! I plan to give them as a shower gift very soon!

Juliana said...

I just adore this post and your entire blog!!! I am your newest follower and super excited about it. I hope you will come by and follow back if you would like. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into a Blog

Laura said...

Great idea! I couldn't find shower writers so I used whiteboard markers instead; they worked perfectly!

Thanks for sharing the idea.

Leave It To Laura said...

I just found this blog and it is GREAT!!! The bad news is that now I will be on here all night!

I think the shower notes is a great idea. My husband used to write on our bathroom mirror with a marker. I am going to try this and suprise him!
Thanks for the ideas!

svugirl said...

That's such a creative idea! So cute for a gift.