

"The Celebration Board" - Somewhat Simple Feature

Happy Monday everyone! I am excited to be here on Cher's site- this place is so fun!

My name is Stephanie and I am usually found on my site Somewhat Simple
Several months ago, I made a fun project for my home. We call it "The Celebration Chalkboard" - its our family's place to write any reason at all to celebrate for the day- it just makes me smile looking at some of the reasons my kids come up with!

(This was MY reason to celebrate- our whole family seen by the dentist and not a single cavity in anybody's teeth! Its a miracle!)

In sticking with Cher's theme of this site, I thought this board could definitely be used to show your significant other some love and encouragement, or simply put a smile on their face with a cute message. This idea is a great way to keep marriage positive....instead of coming home to complain about the negative things that happened that day, each spouse writes a reason to celebrate!

Here's how to make your own:

(just click on the pictures if you need to enlarge them)

So make your own "Celebration Board" and you'll always find some reason to be happy, no matter how silly the reason is!

I'd love for you to come see what else I've got going on at somewhatsimple- each day is something new and its always simple and its always fun! Please consider yourself personally invited to add your link to our Link Parties that I host every Thursday. I'll see you then!

Cher, thanks for having me here today! Have a great week everyone!!!


  1. I am going to implement this at my school. I am an elementary principal and this would ROCK.

  2. I LOVE Steph at Somewhat Simple! And this is a great idea!

  3. such an awesome idea! going to make one this week :)


  4. I know what my next project is!

  5. WHat a great idea! So simple, but so cute too.

    Have a great week!

  6. Such a great idea and a wonderful find at Ikea.

  7. I LOVE THIS! And I am literally going to make it this week. We have a blank wall in the kitchen that i have had no idea what to do with until now! i'm a new follower! glad i found your site!

  8. What a wonderful idea - there is always a reason to celebrate and why not write it down for the whole family to see!

  9. This is such a GREAT idea. Not just for kids to keep things positive and not punitive but also sweet love notes to the honey. THANKS!


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