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The Vintage Pearl Jewelry Giveaway!

I'm in love. And I'm not talking about by husband.

I'm talking about The Vintage Pearl! If there ever was such a thing as romantic jewelry, this would surely be it!

Just look at these!

See what I mean? l-o-v-e.
(hint: maybe you can ask for one for Mother's Day...not a mom? you will be someday, so ask anyway!)

A friend of mine told me just the other that she had just bought one with her and her hubby's name on it and I thought, "How sweet..." So, I immediately contacted The Vintage Pearl and they were so generous to sponsor a giveaway on Love Actually. (thanks!!)

To get entered for your chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate, here's what to do:

1. Be a Follower of Love Actually Blog
2. Go check out The Vintage Pearl and tell me your favorite piece!

Bonus Entries:
1. Vote for Love Actually on Top Mommy Blogs by clicking HERE
2. Follow Love Actually on Twitter and/or Facebook ---->
3. Post Love Actually button on your blog

**This giveaway ends on March 10 at 11:59 PM EST.


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Jessica Lynn said...

Hi! I'm a follower, so please count me in :)

Jessica Lynn said...

...and if I won I would probably get the Circle of Love!

Kimberly said...

I love ALL of it...but my favorites are the Fused Heart piece and the Giant Layers.
I have all three bonus entries also! :) I gave you a 10 of course!

erin.patrice said...

I'm a follower!

Jessica said...

How lovely! I think I like dainty names the best

erin.patrice said...

if I won I'd get my mom the layered mother of pearl! It's SO cute!!! Plus she'd be able to get all of her kids on it and my grama who passed this past may. It's be perfect.

Cathi said...

I am a follower and love your blog!

Cathi said...

I love the circle of love bracelet - so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Can't pick ONE favorite...I have my eyes on 'You are my sunshine' and 'a simple I love you will do' though. So much LOVE!

Jen Thomas said...

I am a follower.. I love the circle of love, a flower and a circle , and many more!! So cute!

Jen Thomas said...

I LOVE Love Actually!!! :)

Colleen said...

"I LOVE Love Actually!" awesome

Bonny said...

I LOVE Love Actually!!!


Mechanica said...

I am a follower and I love the cup of love necklace!

Becca said...

I LOVE Love Actually!

Jessica said...

I am a follower and I love the heart initial necklace. =)

Muznah said...

I live half a globe away so I don't think I can get this, but I think the necklaces are super adorable :)

lovemyabbie@gmail.com said...

the circle of love is always my favorite.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
roxanne said...

Oh I don't know! I love them all! Especially the layered mother of pearl, and the bitty blossoms, and a flower and a circle.

Rhonda said...

I love it!! I am a follower, please count me in! Thanks!

roxanne said...

I rated you a 10!

roxanne said...

I'm a fan!

Ashley said...

I am a follower and love the dainty drops necklace!!

Adrienne said...

I'm a follower! I love the dainty initial hearts necklace!!! SO adorable! : )

roxanne said...

Got the button! I hope I win...

Sarah Marcum said...

I am a follower, please count me in!

I like the Mother of Pearl necklace and the Dainty Drops necklace...but I LOVE IT ALL!!

Thank you for the opportunity, LOVE your blog!

roxanne said...

I LOVE Love Actually! Really.

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I'm following your blog :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

And I'm a FB fan :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I voted for you on the Top Mommy Blogs :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I am in love with the circle of love bracelet!

Hannah said...

I am a follower and I love the circle of love and dainty dits

Rhonda said...

I love the Mother of Pearl...that would be my pick! Thanks!

Hannah said...

I LOVE Love Actually.

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Your button is on my blog :)

Rhonda said...

I am a FB fan! ;o)

Shari said...

I'm a follower and I LOOOOVE your blog!!

I adore the Circle of Love bracelet. The eternity heart necklace is the perfect blend of cute/casual/dressy

The 'a simple i love you will do' necklace is adorable, and I'm thinking the 'layered circle of love' necklace would be a great gift for my mom- my name and my bro's names on the small one, grandkids' names on the big one.

Shari said...

Trying to vote but having issues this time.. it doesn't seem to want to let me? :(

Shari said...

I follow you on FB!!

Rhonda said...

I already follow you on Twitter! I love your blog!

Shari said...

Your button's on my blog. :)

Gabi said...

I'm a follower! I love the circle of love! I can't seem to find you on facebook. fathers_angel@yahoo.ca

Shari said...

I LOVE Love Actually!!

(Psst, it's also my favorite movie!)

mommy2luke2008 said...

I'm a follower!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I love the large layers necklace!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

Jana said...

I am a follower...and I love the flower and circle vintage pearl necklace!

Student Entrepreneur said...

I would have a VERY hard time choosing - but I really like the 'I love you to the moon and back' - but I would have to add a circl because I have 5 babies:)!

Student Entrepreneur said...

I follow you:)

mommy2luke2008 said...

I voted for your blog!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

Student Entrepreneur said...

I have your button on my blog

Student Entrepreneur said...

I voted for you:)!!

Nicole-Lynn said...

Such a great giveaway! Such amazing jewlery! My favorite is the Hammered Star necklace. We are having a beach wedding and using starfish as part of our decor, and I am obsessed with showing off my new last name inital! :)


Nicole-Lynn said...

I voted!


Jessica said...

You know you can count me in!! I'm a follower!

thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

Have I told you that I don't like picking my favorite pieces? I'm become a very indecisive person so suddenly!

BUT, I did my best...I love the Dainty Layers necklace - exactly the way it is on the website - Cross & Heart!

thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I'm voting for you!!

thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I'm going to follow you on Twitter right now. I'm thisthatnmyblog.

thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I LOVE Love, Actually!

thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com

The Alexanders said...

I LOVE Love Actually

The Alexanders said...

I am a follower!

JuliaS said...

Following, fan on Facebook, voted, grabbed your button for both blogs! **whew** :0)

Tough to choose - there were a few I really likeds, but did get it narrowed down to 2 - the dainty eclectic and the square names with heart. Very sweet - the earring are really cute too!

Chelsea said...

I am a follower!

Chelsea said...

I would choose the dainty layers with my hubby and baby's name on it! Soooo cute! I've always wanted one of these but I can't afford them!

Chelsea said...

Also following you on twitter

Chelsea said...

Button is on the blog (and I tell everyone about you all the time anyway!!!)

Deanna said...

I'm a follower on Blogger. THANKS!

Chelsea said...

I LOVE Love Actually

Deanna said...

I love the "Names Around My Heart". So simple and precious.

Deanna said...

I love Love, Actually!

Deanna said...

I'm a Facebook fan!

Deanna said...

I voted for Love, Actually!!

Lizzie Ann said...

I LOVE Love Actually!

Anonymous said...

I have a button!

Jess said...

I love this blog.

my favorite from Vintage Pearl is...

a simple sweet-heart.. so cute!

PS: I'm reposting your blog on my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I adore Love Actually!

Chris said...

I love your blog and have used many of your ideas!! Thank you!! I love the Vintage Pearl and love the Circle of Love necklace!!

Anonymous said...

I would choose the square with names! That one is so cute!

Jess said...

PS: I LOVE Love Actually! :)

I'm a follower on twitter and facebook! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love your blog and I love this jewelry! I would love to win!

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I am a follower and I love all the jewelry. I would probably choose the dainty drops or the bitty blossoms.

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I voted for your blog

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I have your button on my blog

Anonymous said...

totally not sure how I'd choose which one. I love the "I love you to the moon and back'. :)

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I follow you on facebook

Jess said...

I LOVE the Love Actually Blog! You have such cute cute ideas. If I won I would use the the giftcard for the the I love you to the Moon and Back because that's how my hubby tells me he loves me and that's how we tell our daughter we love her!

P.S. I'm a follower everyday!!

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I love Love Actually Blog (check it daily)

Kilgore Clan said...

I found your blog @ a week ago and love it! I am a follower and would love to participate in the giveaway! Yeah!!

Rebecca said...

Im a follower on your blog!

Rebecca said...

I love the dainty drops!

Rebecca said...

I follow on Twitter/FB :)

Rebecca said...

I voted for you before.

Rebecca said...

I LOVE Love Actually! ;)

Megan said...

Im a follower!

Karlee Jo Waddoups said...

My favorite piece is the square names with the heart. So simple and beautiful. I love it.

Megan said...

I adore the chunky daisy cuff... all the bracelets are so cute.

Karlee Jo Waddoups said...

I am a follower on twitter.

Megan said...

VOTED for ya!

Kilgore Clan said...

I'm a follower and & I really like the Names around my Heart piece.

Megan said...

i follow you on facebook and twitter!

Megan said...

I have your button on all my blogs and the one i contribute too.

and my fam blog but it's private... :)

Marie said...

1. I follow your blog and love the "dainty drops"

2. I'm also a fan on Facebook

Karlee Jo Waddoups said...

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!!

erachamay said...

I LOVE love actually! I recommend it to all of my friends, sisters, complete strangers, etc.... ;) My favorite Vinage Pearl is the circle of love charm bracelet. So Cute!

Maridee said...

I am a follower, I love the dainty drops or the dainty names

Maridee said...

I voted for you on Mommy Blogs... good luck!

The Nash's said...

I am a follower and I love the Mother of Pearl necklace it is SO cute! I voted for you and I have your button on my blog! My fingers are crossed :)

Val said...

I LOVE Love Actually!

Sadie said...

Hi! I did it all except vote for you on TopMommyBlogs. I couldn't figure out how...so if you want to tell me how I'll do it.
I love your blog! It's too cute. I would like the "come fly with me" if I'm the lucky winner.

Val said...

I am a follower of your blog and really, really like the Dainty Drops and the Circle of Love. :)

Val said...

I also follow you on Twitter and FB!

Rhonda said...

I LOVE Love Actually!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a loyal follower since 2009 and already had your button on my blog... I've seen the vintage pearl before and always thought it was just jewelry til I checked the keepsakes, my favorite is the baby spoons

Heather said...

I'm a follower and my favorite piece is the flower and a circle piece!

Heather said...

I'm a follower on facebook now as well!

Mia White said...

I am a follower of your lovely site!

Mia White said...

and I clicked on that site to vote for Love Actually...

Doty Family said...

I love her jewlery! I am going to have to say the eclectic. And I'm a follower

Doty Family said...

I'm a facebook follower

Doty Family said...

And I have your button on my blog.

Mia White said...

and I LOVE Love Actually!
(my favorite piece is the family tree one)
Thanks for the chance! :)

mandy said...

i'm a follower!

mandy said...

i absolutely love the hammered star necklace!

Doty Family said...

I LOVE Love Actually!

mandy said...

i voted!

Anonymous said...

I like the Circle of Love pendant

Anonymous said...


shana said...

I'm a follower! {and I love Vintage Pearl!}

shana said...

Facebook Fan!

Jen T said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

Following you on Twitter

Anonymous said...

I LOVE love actually!

Jen T said...

I love the "a flower and a circle" necklace. It would be perfect to put my little girl and boy's names.

shana said...

There's so much stuff I love . . . picking is hard! I really like the family tree.

Crystal said...

I love the dainty charms. I follow your blog

Ry and Ally said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the crcle of love bracelet!!!!!!!

Ry and Ally said...

I'm a follower! LOVE this blog!!

Liz Johnston said...

i follow you.. and copy you.. :) love your ideas

Liz Johnston said...

I love their stuff. Love so much of it. Maybe get one of those necklaces.

Liz Johnston said...

we are facebook buds.

Ry and Ally said...

Your buttons on my blog!!

Liz Johnston said...

voted for you.

Amy said...

I love the layered mother of pearl necklace. This would be great to give to a grandmother...with bunches of grandkids.

Liz Johnston said...

i've got your button.

Megan said...

Can I just say how much I LOVE your blog!!! You have such great ideas! I just became a proud follower and I would love to win this gift certificate! I love all of their designs but I think that my favorite one would be the layered circle of love.

Laurie said...

I'm a follower and I think my favorite piece is the Dainty Drops.

I also voted for you and became a Facebook fan. I love this blog! You have so many wonderful ideas for romantically challenged people like me.

Matt and Morgan said...

MmmmMmm names on my heart is for sure my favorite!

Adam, BreAnne, Maccoy & Ellsie said...

I love this jewlery it is so darn cute! I would get the eletric necklace!

Ry and Ally said...

I'm a FB fan!!

Brianna said...

I'm a blog follower.

Thanks for posting about this site, they have so many beautiful things! But I think my favorite is the bitty blossoms necklace.

Carol said...

I love Vintage Pearl, I don't have anything from them, but I still love to look at it! My favorite right now is bitty blossoms necklace. Thanks for doing a great giveaway!

Carol said...

I'm a follower!

Danielle said...

So hard to choose just one! I love the circle and the flower necklace one for my boy and one for my girl!

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

Danielle said...

I am a follower.

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and my favorite would have to be the "come fly with me" necklace.

I follow you on Twitter and am a fan on facebook as well :)

Danielle said...

I am a facebook fan!

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

The HousewifeTravels said...

I LOVE Love Actually!

Danielle said...

I voted for you!

eric_danielle at netzero dot com

The HousewifeTravels said...

The cup of love is one of ny many favs.

The HousewifeTravels said...

I'm a follower!

Rowley Family said...

I'm a follower

Rowley Family said...

I love the hammered star necklace!

Carol said...

I voted for you!

Caitlin Lewis Johnson said...

I would be more then delighted to have one of these lovely pieces of jewelry....I like them all so I wouldn't be picky!

Carol said...

I have your button on my blog!

Carol said...

I follow you on Facebook!
I'm Songberries.

The Gomes Family said...

I love all their pieces, simple and neat!

Tara said...

bitty blossoms is my fav :)

The Allen Family said...

I'm a follower.

The Allen Family said...

I LOVE the Circle of Love necklace!

The Allen Family said...

I voted for you.

The Allen Family said...

I follow you on twitter (@dezroute) and Facebook.

Audrey said...

I am a follower! I would love to win a necklace.

Audrey said...

I think my favorite is eclectic necklace! There are so many cute ones it is so hard to choose!!

Audrey said...

I follow you on facebook too!!

Audrey said...

I love LOVE Actually!

Melissa said...

I'm a follower!

My favorite piece is the Circle of Love because it reminds me of my wedding ring...no beginning and no end. Thank you for the chance to win!

Many Blessings,

Jen Hargraves said...

I am a follower!

Kierstin said...

I'm a follower of Love Actually.

Jen Hargraves said...

I LOVE the eclectic necklace...and the layered circle of love necklace...and...ALL OF THEM!

Mercedes said...

Follower :) I've had my eye on the bitty blossoms for awhile... My fiance wanted me to wear a locket he got me when we were teenagers at our wedding in a few months - and that would be PERFECT to attach it to!

Curt and Christy Doucette said...

I love the dainty initial hearts necklace! So cute! I'm a follower!

Jen Hargraves said...

I am a follower on Facebook!

Kierstin said...

I would get the Mother Bird necklace. But everything is so beautiful!

Tara L. said...

Wow, I love them all. I think I like the electric necklace the best. I am a follower and I have your button. Thanks!

Kierstin said...

I am a follower on Facebook!

spectacularviews said...

I love the layered mother of pearl necklace!

spectacularviews said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
spectacularviews said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
spectacularviews said...

and I'm a follower on facebook. :)

Mallorey said...

I like the handstamped keychain.

Mallorey said...

I also voted for you.

The Allen Family said...

I LOVE Love Actually.

Rebecca said...

I'm in. The circle of love is my choice.

Rachel said...

I'm a follower!

Rachel said...

I love the mother of pearl necklace!

RBadger said...

I love the names on my heart piece. So beautiful!

Rachel said...

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs :)

Rachel said...

Your button is on my blog at http://youcanentertoo.blogspot.com/

Cam said...

I LOVE love actually!!

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