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Baby Giveaway 5 - EZ Wrap

Carli from EZNursingCover.com wanted to sponsor two giveaways this weekend and I was happy to have her on board---twice!

Just in case you missed Tuesday's giveaway, Carli (a mother of two CUTE little girls) specializes in creating trendy nursing covers at a great low price...which is wonderful for mothers on a budget! She also offers fabric organizers, baby wraps, and aprons. Check out all her options on her website HERE.

Today, she is giving away this gorgeous paisley baby wrap:

To qualify for the givewaway:

1. Follow Love Actually
2. Check out Carli's website
3. Vote for me on TopMommyBlogs HERE
(Submit a comment on FRIDAY to qualify!)

All winners for this week's giveaways will be announced on Saturday, April 10.


Bryssy said...

I follow!!!

Dana {Sew Thrifty} said...

I would love this wrap! Expecting baby #1 in October. Cannot wait!!

Mallorey said...

I would love this wrap for my daughter! She is a fan of the stroller, so this would help a lot!!

Unknown said...

I follow, I checked out her site (Super cute stuff, actually added it to my favorites), and I voted! :)

lajamison said...

I follow.

lajamison said...

I checked out her site. I like the different fabrics she uses.

Chanda said...

Looks like you are currently #3, I am sure you will move back up to #2 today! I am also having baby #1 in October & would love to have one. I got to hear the heartbeat yesterday!!!


Hammond Bride said...

I follow, I voted, and I visited! What a fun week of giveaways!

The Fergy Bunch said...

I follow your blog!

The Fergy Bunch said...

I checked out her site, she has some cute fabrics to choose from.

Caitlin @ Pacifier In My Pocket said...

I follow your blog!

Caitlin @ Pacifier In My Pocket said...

And I visited her site, great designs!

Esther said...

All 3 done!

elle said...

That is super cute and looks way comfy! I follow your blog

Jeff and Kira said...

I'm a follower, I checked out the cute site AND I voted! :)

Me, Myself and I said...

I want, I want, I want! AND - I'm having a baby ANY DAY NOW - soooooooooo, this is PERFECT! I follow ya, her bloggy looks great.... so I want to win already!

PaigeE said...

Done. I can't believe some people are so talented!

Melissa said...

I did all three. and what a cute idea- singing time apron!

Stephanie said...

I voted!

Sabrina said...

I'm following and I voted!

Stephanie said...

I'm checking out her site right now!

Jen T said...


Chelsea said...

What cute ideas!

The Picanco Family said...

Carli has such great things on her website that she sells. I saw this when I looked earlier this week and thought it would be great to have, especially with baby #3 arriving soon.

Club Jolley said...

All done! Thanks!

Heather said...

Pick me!!!

Heather said...

Oh and I am a follower too!

Emilee said...

I am a follower.


The Nilsson's said...

I am a follower and i checked out the site. Such cute stuff!!

Emilee said...

Checked out Carli's website. I was eyeing that ezwrap Tuesday.


Emilee said...

I voted for you!


Matt and Morgan said...

My baby would LOVE this!! :)

Erin said...

so cute! would love to use this someday sooner than later!

bladenfamily said...

Very cute! I am a follower and I voted!

robcallfamily said...

This would be great! did all three and its friday!

robcallfamily said...

This would be great! did all three and its friday!

The Allen Family said...

Follow, checked out her site and voted. Thanks!

seguita said...

Follower, checked out her site, and voted!!! Crossing my fingers! :)

Karlee Jo Waddoups said...

I'm a follower!

Karlee Jo Waddoups said...

This wrap is super cute! I love the paisley! And Carli's site is way cute. I like the nursing covers the best.

Karlee Jo Waddoups said...

I voted!!

Crystal said...

I did all three! This is a great giveaway that we could really use for our next baby.

Trystan said...

I did all three and I am expecting our first girl in August. Yeah!!!

Marie said...

I did all three! Love it! Need it!

Student Entrepreneur said...

I did all three~ LOVE the aprons!!!!!!

Cambric said...

pick me pick me ... i <3 carli and her craftiness!!! =D

Shirley said...

Great website! This wrap looks awesome and I love the bag. Long wraps are just a mess and hassle so the bag is super awesome.

I am a follower, voted, and checked out Carli's site. She has a gift! I will be looking back when next baby is coming.

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Heidi Richhart- Follower

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Heidi Richhart- Voted

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Heidi Richhart- checked out site!!!

I hope i win!!!

Lisa said...

OMG, I am a HUGE babywearer...and LOVE these types of wraps! I sold mine to wear a mai tai and I so wish I had it back!!

I hope I win this one! It's adorable! Carli...keep up the fantastic work!

Ashley said...

This wrap would be perfect!! I follow, and checked out the site!!

Lisa said...

Cher...I'm so proud of you! #3!!! FANTASTIC!!!

Dana Scarbrough said...

Cool site- I also love the coupon holders!

Gena said...

Such a cute, cute baby sling! I'd feel so hip wearing that around. Pick me! :) I follow, checked out the Web site (and love it!) and definitely voted your blog a 10. I love all your cute, creative ideas to keep the fire burnin'! ;)

Megan said...

So cute! I would love this!

The Armitage Family said...

I follow!

The Armitage Family said...

This is so cute AND functional! Love it!

The Armitage Family said...

I voted! Congrats on #3!

Emily said...

Count me in for the drawing - love this wrap - what a cute site!

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Already a follower, checked out her site and added it to my favorites, and voted for you! So fun!

ME said...

Marilyn Richhart- Checked out Carli's website

ME said...

voted for you- Marilyn Richhart

Bethany said...

I follow you - her fabrics are so cute - and I
voted! I've been looking for a cute wrap - perfect!

Jenna said...

I'm a follower!
myjennamarie at yahoo dot com

Jenna said...

Checked out the blog...

kim said...

I'm a follower!

kim said...

Checked out her website. I love the EZ nursing cover she makes!

Stewart & Ciera Stout said...

I would LOVE this wrap! We've got a 1 1/2 year old and a 2 week old, and being able to hold my little one hands free would be awesome!

I Follow

Anonymous said...

I follow. I vote. I want!!

Tahnee said...

i am following you now officially... even though i always read your blog :) !! and i just voted for YOU :) !!

would love this. i am having my 1st baby beginning of september! good luck with everything!

AKutarna said...

I vote, i checked out her site, very cute stuff. (My friend is due in October and this wrap would be perfect for her!) I also follow this blog. ;)

Kirsten Smith said...

I'd love this. I've done all three now just waiting to see if I'm lucky enough to win. Thanks!

Steph and Brady said...

I follow, checked out the website, and I voted! stephfrbs at gmail dot com

carizolli said...

Oooh...I hope I win. I'm expecting baby #3 in October.

Ashley said...

I follow, voted, and checked out the website. What cute fabrics she uses! I would love this wrap for my baby girl!

Emily said...

I follow, voted, and checked out the website. I've been looking around for awhile for a good wrap. My baby likes contact all the time, so a wrap would be helpful.

namelocee at gmail.com

Adrienne said...

I love Carlie's aprons, but baby #1 is due September 23rd so I think the wrap is necessary. I voted and follow you now too: )


Kierstin said...

I'm an avid follower of Love, Actually!

Kierstin said...

The Dot's nursing cover is so fun and would be perfect.

Although I am really excited about the baby carrier. With 2 toddlers, I'll definitely need to carry #3 around.

Ry and Ally said...

Did all three!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I aren't trying for kids yet, though I am SOO baby hungry, but I do everything I can to prepare!!! I love collecting baby stuff... even if one isn't on the way yet! Pick me!

Jen said...

I followed all the rules and would love to win! You guys are great!

Kerri Marie said...

I follow!!!

Kerri Marie said...

I love the coupon holder. I could really use one of those being an avid couponer.

Lucky Me said...

Following you!!!

Lucky Me said...

Carlie has some cute stuff on her site. I like the organizer.

Lucky Me said...

Voted for you! Good job on making #3. That's great!

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

I'm a follower! :)

Random said...

I'm a follower

Random said...

Love the idea of the pockets in the corners on the covers, the wraps are darling too.

Random said...

I voted on the mom blogs

Gabi said...

I follow. fathers_angel@yahoo.ca

Liz Johnston said...

PICK ME PICK ME!!:) I have a baby that loves to be held.

Liz Johnston said...

I follow

shana said...

count me in, please!
thank you!

ju.vanderw said...

Ditto as Monday on, I follow, I visited the site, and I voted. !! The wrap is SO CUTE!

The Noorda Monkeys said...

this is SO cute!

Deedles said...

Did it all!

Anonymous said...

i follow

Anonymous said...

checked out her site