

What I've Been Up To...

Okay, I have a confession. Ready?

My name is Cher and I'm a scrapaholic.

BUT, I have a good reason. I'm determined to catch up on all of my scrapbooking for the past few years...I'm almost there, but I'm not quitting until I'm all caught up.

My job has been very demanding lately and digital scrapping has been therapeutic for me...

Anyway, so that's my confession. I'll continue until there's nothing left to scrap, and then I'm sure I'll turn back into a blogaholic.

I knew some of you would't believe me, so I have just a few items of proof for your viewing pleasure. :)

Oh, and this is an oldie from our Utah days (which I know many of you can appreciate)...

Okay, so, while I'm scrapping, go read through the Idea Tab and get working on a romantic idea that you can do THIS WEEK!


  1. I've really enjoyed your blog, and this post was wonderful too. It makes me want to get back into my scrapbooks also. Can you tell me what program you use for digital scrapping?


  2. Oh man...I am way more behind that I want to admit.
    I am tempted to try digital scrappin'...never done it. Any tips or sites?
    Cost wise, how does it compare??

  3. So I must be really behind...but I had no idea there was such a thing as digital scrapping!! I used to love making real scrapbooks, but then when I could order my own photo books...I did that instead. But the digital scrapping looks awesome! Would love some tips! And I have the same question... how does it compare cost wise?

  4. These scrapbook pages are awesome!

  5. I loved looking at your scrapbook pages and I'm really glad I've come across your blog!

  6. Love your scrapbook pages. I am jealous. I got no artistic ability.

  7. Great job! I especially love that I know all those places you were since I live close to them. It must feel great to have that done!

  8. Rats! If only I was into the whole scrapbooking thing! You are so talented. I guess that's why I blog like crazy.

    You are such a delight, I love how you're spicing up marriages blog posts at a time!

    Love, Bree

  9. I used to do digital scrapbooking, but I haven't had the chance to do it lately. Yours looks great :)

  10. they look all so great! "Wii" is probably my fav. lol.

    I need to get on the scrapbooking wagon and soon

  11. Those look great - I love the you+me= Wii one... that's cute. I used to do it (not the digital - the paper) when I was pregnant with my 2.5 year old and it lasted 6 months after that, but it kind of trailed off after that...

  12. That kitty is adorable!

  13. Yes, please tell us what digital program you use. I am really needing to get on this!

  14. I LOVE your blog!! And I have SO MUCH catching up to do with my digital scrapbooking. TIPS PLEASE! What program do you use? I love how simple and clean your pages are. Loving it!

  15. Okay, ladies... I'm all photoshop these days. it's so just need to look online for digital scrapbooking tutorials or have someone show you if you aren't familiar with PSE)(photoshop elements). I download all of my papers, embellishments, templates, etc. for FREE using this search engine:

    I've recently got into templates. Seriously, don't waste your time doing anything else. Templates are just grayscale versions of a scrapbook page layout (with boxes and sample text) so you know where to put everything. You literally drag and drop in your pictures, embellishments, paper and the page is created SOO quickly. It has saved me so much time! Learn how to use templates with this Tutorial:

    There are places all over the web that have great tutorials, too.

    Cost-wise: I'm not buying any papers or items from the craft store which saves money. All my digital elements are free. It's only the cost of printing, which is going to cost you a little. But, I just have to look at it like this: "This is my family history right now!" and it's worth the cost. I have printed with and have really been impressed with their prices and quality. Best I've seen. $1.99 per page.

    Hope that helps!

  16. Thanks for sharing that information! Your pages look great! Inspiration to go home and work on my own books (They've been a little neglected as of late)

  17. Thanks for sharing that information! Your pages look great! Inspiration to go home and work on my own books (They've been a little neglected as of late)

  18. Hi Cher! What a great blog. You're so creative. I love this scrapbook idea. I'll be back for sure : )

  19. Hi!

    My daughter told me about your blog so I checked it out! Cool stuff...even for an "old" lady like me!

    I am into digital scrapbooking too (which is why she told me about your blog). I use Storybook Creator Plus software by Creative Memories. Great stuff. I am very addicted and like you, it is therapy for me. I love that I no longer have to buy tools, paper, etc or have to pull all of it out to work on my albums. All I need now is a laptop and I'm good to go! I can work on it for a few minutes or a few hours!

    Will be stopping by your blog on occassion to see your ideas. Keep up the great work!

  20. What a fun blog! Have you ever done a post on how to start digital scrapbooking? Thanks for visiting my blog, its so fun to get to know new bloggers!

  21. Where/how did you do your pages? I really want to do something like this with the tons of photos we have. I've never been a scrapbooker, but I love that this is digital and not messy like paper scrapbooking is!

  22. YAY!!! What cute pages ... that is my goal for this year, to start getting caught up on scrapbooks. And I had say that I was "Flo" for Halloween also!!! Thanks for your darling blog - I keep you on my blog roll!


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