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Giveaway: "And They Were Not Ashamed"

So, you know how I've not posted in...well, a while? I have a few good excuses, but instead of listing them, I'll just offer my apologies with a giveaway!

Laura Brotherson is a well-known author and educator about intimacy in marriage. I am very impressed with her book and how she really is able to relate to all sorts of issues concerning intimacy in marriage. I found myself saying, "Wow...that is SO true." about every 5 minutes while reading. The book is very insightful and is not just for couples with problems...it can help every marriage!

"And They Were Not Ashamed" is a book about physical intimacy and marital ONEness that is comprehensive, in-depth and frank, yet still respectfully reverent. It's
the ultimate how-to handbook....power-packed with hope and help for creating a mutually fulfilling intimate relationship.

It's a book you definitely need to read for yourself and Laura has generously sponsored today's giveaway of one of her books, plus a talk on CD.

The giveaway is the set including the book and talk on CD as shown above. (a value of $30)

To qualify for the giveaway:
1. Be a follower of Love Actually
2. Browse Laura's Website: StrengtheningMarriage.Com
3. Comment saying you qualify based on #1 and #2

Giveaway Ends: July 6th, 6 pm EST.

If you'd like the book or any of Laura's other products, you can find them HERE on her website!

Thanks, Laura! We all owe you....and not just for the giveaway. :)


1 – 200 of 230   Newer›   Newest»
Mel said...

I am a follower and I just checked out her site - lots of cool things! i am qualifying for the giveaway.


Unknown said...

Count me in! I am a follower and I visited her site.

Aly at infertilityoverachievers dot com

Noelbelle said...

I qualify ! Sounds really great and i love following your blog:)

Ashley @ Joyful Creations said...

I qualify! While checking out her website I noticed something about a couples cruise... hmmm... definitely something I'm gonna have to look into.

Mimy said...

Fun giveaway! I am a follower and I just checked out her site..tehn linked to her blog. Love the post she did on kissing, and the cruise looks like fun too!

Mrs. Oakes said...

I'm a follower (love your blog, I'm always searching it for ideas!) I checked out her website, her books look really good!

Marsha said...

I follow your blog and visited the site! I would LOVE to win this book for me and my husband. Thanks for offering this!! :-)

Martha said...

I'm a follower, and I love Laura's website. Thank you for all your ideas about how to nurture marriage.

Sarahie said...

I qualify! Thanks for all the fun ideas!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! What a wonderful giveaway. As a newlywed that would be a wonderful resource.

yes, I'm a follower & checked out the website.

Jensmuzic said...

Count me in too! I'm a follower of your site (which I absolutely love btw) and I clicked on Laura's site. Thanks for the link.... good stuff! Keep up the good work!

"F" said...

I just became a follower of the blog. I love this blog and it had given me so many fun and new ideas for me. Thanks. I also browsed Laura's site. Lots of good stuff. Thanks again.

Trish said...

I'm a follower! And I checked out the website. That cruise is SOOO tempting!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

I'm a follower and I checked out her site :)

Andrea said...

I follow and I checked out her site!

Seems like a very interesting read!

Wendy said...

I am a follower and I browsed her site!!! Looks like a great book!!!

lacycox said...

Wahoo I qualify! I saw this book the other day at Deseret Book and I almost bought it....I would love to win it instead though! Thanks for the chance!

Feinmemmy said...

I qualify! My husband and I read this book before we got married, and it was a HUGE help!

Unknown said...

I qualify and could REALLY use this book right now in my life!

Kate said...

I qualify! Great giveaway - can't wait to get my hands on this book!

Mama K said...

I'm a follower and I check out her website!
Always looking for ways to strengthen the marriage, and my husband would love this way :)

Amy said...

I have been a follower for a long time! I love your site!!

I qualify. Pick me!! Pick me!!! :)

Shambray said...

I have been a follower for a bit and I LOVE your blog. Thanks so much for being so creative and sharing your ideas (I am not creative!) Also, I visited her site. I saw the couples cruise. How fun!

The Griffin Crew said...

I am a follower!!

Stacey said...

I qualify! I am a follower and just went over her site - how fun would a couple's cruise be?!?!?! I definitely will be telling the hubbs about that!!!

staceywalk @ gmail dot com

Becky said...

Wow that looks like an awesome book! I would love to read it! I am a follower and I visited her website :)

Wilhite Family said...

I qualify! Thank you so much for this opportunity to win this awesome free book. I have been wanting to get this book for quite some time.

Thank you!
Holly Wilhite

p.s. thank you for all of your great tips! My husband loves the crayons in the shower!

Whitney Terry said...

Number 1- Check. Number 2- Check.
That makes me qualified! Sweet!
I love all of your great ideas- they have inspired me to come up with a few of my own. Thanks!

Meg and Joe said...

I'm a follower and have checked out her site. I qualify! Please pick me! Our marriage needs some strengthening!

~Meg Flager

Hilary said...

I qualify! I'm a follower and I visited the site...if I don't win the book and CD, I may just have to download them from audible.com!

Fab Five said...

I qualify based on #1 and #2!

Shantel Peaden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole-Lynn said...

I am already a follower and checked out their site!

Great giveaway.


Rebecca J said...

I've already got you in my Google Reader, and I just looked at the info about the Couples Cruise on her website. Thanks for the great giveaway!

J♥M said...

I qualify too!
Thanks gals for sharing all your inspiration with the rest of us!

Ry and Ally said...

Count me in! I'd LOVE to win this! She's got such awesome advice and counsel!

Mia White said...

I love your blog and am a regular follower. I'm also checking out Laura's site right now... I'd love to win this book! Looks awesome, thanks for the chance. :)

Jana said...

I am a follower and have visited her site as well. Been wanting this book for a while!

MelissaMichelle said...

I would love to win this book. What a great giveaway! I checked out the website and I follow. Thanks!

Misty said...

I follow and I checked out her website. I would love a couple's cruise.. how fun would that be?!

Shalay said...

I am a follower!!!! And I browsed her site! I've heard a lot about this book and it sounds great!!!


The Hutton Family said...

I am a follower of your blog. I love it!

Dayna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dayna said...

Follow the blog and looked at her site...that cruise looks fun!

penguinsandladybugs said...

I am a follower and checked out her site....lots of good stuff I plan to go back and look ate even more!

Rhonda said...

I would love to win! I am a follower and checked out her site and watched a Studio 5 video that was great! Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

I am a follower and found her website wonderful. I would love to read the book!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and I visited her site! AWESOME! This is a GREAT giveaway!!!! Thank you!


Francheska said...

I am a follower! Thinking that cruise might be something to save for on the strengthening marriage site!

Nashelle said...

Follower and browser! Crossing my fingers!!

Brianne said...

I am a follower and I checked out the site. Thanks!

CJJB Fam said...

I am a follower of love actually and just went to the website. I'm so glad you share all these marriage websites with us, I wouldn't find them on my own.

Amie said...

I qualify for both! I have been following your blog a long time and now I will be getting her newsletters! Thanks!

Britt said...

I am a faithful follower of your blog (it's great, thank you for the great ideas) and now, thanks to you, I have subscribed to her blog as well! Yay for strengthening our marriages!! So, I guess I qualify for the giveaway!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!!!

Gosfam said...

I follow you and checked out her site. Thanks for the chance.

mattles22 at yahoo dot com

roxanne said...

Done and done. I have been wanting this book for ages... hope I win!

seckert08 said...

I love your blog and I qualify! THANKS!

Amanda said...

I am a follower, and just checked out her site.

Shelley said...

Yes, I am a follower and I checked out her site. Thanks for the opportunity and the information about her site.

Chris & Tiffany said...

I follow and I checked! Thanks!

Mackenzie said...

I qualify now. Thanks for a great giveaway. I hope I am the lucky one.

Kate said...

I qualify! Hope everything has been okay in your absence!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

I'm a follower and checked out her site lots of fun things.

Ginny said...

I'm already a follower & checked out her site! Thanks for coming back with a giveaway :)

Marie said...

I qualify. Sounds like good information!

Tabitha said...

I'm a follower and I checked out the site. I now "like" Strengthening Marriage Inc on Facebook too.

Jami Schoettler said...

I've been a follower for a while and I check out her site. I saw something about a couples cruise that sounded pretty neat! I qualify!

Nicole said...

I now qualify. Thanks for all the fun ideas! Can't wait for more to come!

Kendra Kelley said...

I now qualify based on #1 and #2. You have inspired me to be more creative in my marriage. Its our anniversary today! Thank you.

Cambric said...

pick me pick me! i qualify bc i am both a follower of you and checked out her website. makes me REALLY wanna read the book n listent to the CD. oh i hope i win! =D

Miquelyn Hollingsworth said...

I am a follower and I have visited her website. Please count me in for the give away!


Stormy said...

I follow you blog and i looked at her site really cool.

Valerie said...

I'm a follower and I visited her site. I've actually been before too. I like that she has articles on there that you can read, but I would love the prize!

Mrs. C said...

I'm a follower and checked out the site! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Connie Babe said...

follower and poking-arounder of her website...

A. Kerr said...

I can't wait to read this one. Thanks for sharing!

Heather said...

I qualify and would love to read this book.

Rick and Jenny Runyan said...

I just became a follower and checked out her site-I have seen this book in the stores and have been curious about it!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and I love Laura's blog and website. I've been wanting this book for a long time. Our ten year wedding anniversary is coming up and this book with help get the spark burning again. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

I qualify


-Danica- said...

I qualify! This is definitely a book I want to read

Katie said...

I follow you and I checked out the website. Love all the pictures of the different couples!

Rachel said...

I qualify! And that's an awesome book!! I've read it, but awhile back - lost my copy.

Diana said...

I'm a follower and checked out the site. I've been wanting to get this book for a while, but still haven't gotten around to it!

forever&andalways said...

i follow and checked out the site:) hope i win

Rebecca said...

Did both!

Bryssy said...

I am a follower and checked out her site! Very cool stuff! I am a follower Cheers~Bryssy

Laura said...

I just became a follower! :o)

Laura said...

I love her site and look at it often...

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower and just checked out her site! Count me in for the giveaway!


Kent said...

We would love to win! We follow this site as well as her site. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kent & Jennifer

The Adventures and Misadventures of Morrison InC. said...

I'm a follower and i browsed

scrapbooker210 said...

Always love looking into new books like this! Learn a lot by doing so and keeps everything fresh! Love your post and follow it and checked out the other site and now follow it too!

Liz said...

i'm a follower and i checked out the website!

Valerie said...

I am a follower and I regularly visit Laura's website, too, including just now to qualify for this giveaway! Woot!Woot! Fingers crossed for ME!


Hodson Family said...

I am a follower and I checked her website! I LOVED it!

Mama on the Run said...

I'm also a follower and have checked out her site...wow, a couple's cruise sounds great!! Maybe someday.

Emily said...

I'm a follower and checked Laura's site. I've read a good portion of the book but borrowed it from the library and would love to be able to refer back to it especially with the assignments she suggests. Thanks for the chance!

Megan said...

I'm a follower and checked out her site. I would love this giveaway!

Matt and Jen McEvoy said...

I qualify! I have been a follower for a while now and I LOVE your site and all of your wonderful ideas, they are so much fun! I have also checked out Laura's site, great stuff! This book sounds wonderful and I would really love to win it!! :)

Lorie said...

I am a follower and browsed Strenthingmarriage.com. I qualify for the givaway. This would be so helpful to many of my clients.!

Mason Manor said...

I've seen this book and have wanted to read it! I'm a follower and checked out the blog...I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and checked out her website. I love how she talks about sensitive issues in an appropriate and tasteful way!

Unknown said...

This is a great giveaway: I am a follower and checked out the strengthening marriage website!

Emilee said...

I am a follower and I love Laura's site! I hope I win!


Kylee said...

I am a follower and checked out the site. Very cool stuff!

Holly said...

I'm definitely a follower of your blog and just checked out her website - looks like there'll be some super helpful stuff on there!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I qualify! This would be so excellent for me!!

Trish said...

I qualify! And this sounds like a great read - something probably every couple with kids could use! I may pick one up now that it's summer vacation time!

brooke said...

I qualify! Pick me!

Molly said...

I qualify!!! and btw, check out the video on her sight with the interview on KSL...interesting!

Katie said...

I am a follower and I checked out her site. I would love this book.

Katie said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

Katie said...

Checked out the website, and I am a follower!

A. Kerr said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

Codi said...

I'm a follower and I browsed her site! I'm going to a bridal shower soon and I think I will definitely get this book for them!

Traylor Family said...

Just completed #1 and #2. Thanks for this great giveaway!

Beka said...

I am a follower of the your website. I really like it and glad I came across it.

I love how her book is 3 in one. I have been working on reconnecting with God and how it would relax the relationship with my significant other. I really feel this could be helpful. I love how she has so much information on intimacy. I enjoy looking around her website and really want to order a few things from her website.

Heather and Jared said...

I'm a follower and I looked through her website! I love your blog!

J.Mason said...

I'm a follower and visited her website. I love your blog! All the ideas are so cute, thank you for sharing!

Jami Schoettler said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

Tabitha said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

jeanine said...

I hope I win! (I did #1 and #2!)

Nguyen Family said...

I'm a follower and I LOVE love actually! And I visited her site. Great info! I would love to win this book and cd set. Thanks!!

Nguyen Family said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!!

Sara said...

I want this book! I qualify for both 1 and 2.

carter.heather said...

Hi - I'm a new Follower! I have also been to Laura's Website in the past & purchased Love 101. She is Awesome!I would love to win this giveaway so I can pass on the great talk on CD to a friend!

Domanique said...

I qualify!

Amanda Bullard said...

I qualify for both.

Ashley said...

I qualify, and am excited about the giveaway.

Kirsten Smith said...

done and done. I noticed her book a few times and would love this chance to read it. thanks!

Andrea Hardman said...

Got both! This looks like a great wedding gift, don't ya think? (after I've read it, of course ;)

Sallie said...

1. I am a follower of Love Actually and I LOVE it.
2. I hopped over to the other website and found the most hilarious Boyfriend 5.0 entry. Awesome. My fiance loved it.
3. I just got engaged, getting married December 28th and I would LOVE this book. So would my fiance.
4. I am from Texas.

Laura said...

I am one of 58 subscribers to your blog on bloglines and one of 6 subscribers to Laura's blog. I enjoy pursuing both blogs. The tips are really handy.

carter.heather said...

I am not ashamed, and I want this book!!

Nicole McBride Cheney said...

I qualify, her books look really interesting, and I love your blog thanks for all the fun ideas!

Shari said...

I've been wondering where you've been! So glad you're back! I just did the Reese's thing from a while ago again and my husband loved it as much this time as he did last time!

I qualify with 1 and 2!

the ginabean said...

I follow! I follow! And I totally browsed too. Just sayin'...

Amy said...

Her website looks so interesting. I'd love a copy of her book.

Amanda said...

"I am not ashamed and I want this book!"

AnDeRsEn cLaN said...

I love your site and check it every time a new idea and post is added. I've used several of your ideas and man it sure has help my marriage.

Kassi Nelson said...

Ive been fallowing for a long time! I LOVE It ACUALLY!!

Amber Jenks said...

I so qualify! I have been following your blog for awhile and am actually about to use a couple of your ideas listed on here for my anniversary. Oh.. and I have checked out Laura's website.. thank you so much for the link. :)

Taryn said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

Taryn said...

I follow you on Facebook & I checked out her site. I appreciate her perspective & hope to win so I can learn even more. =o)

-Randall.Ashley- said...

I read your blog everyday! Book sounds great!

Gena said...

Thanks for the giveaway. This is great! I follow and checked out her site. I'm looking forward to the weekly audiocasts now.

Alisha and Josh said...

I just became a follower and visited the site- I am excited to start getting her newsletter that I sign up for there- thanks!

Quilter family said...

I'm a follower and I checked out the site! I'm always looking for ways to strengthen my marriage. I hope I win!


Leah said...

I've heard great things about this book! Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a follower & checked out her site.. thank you! I'm looking forward to winning! :)

Krisling said...

I doth qualify!

Krisling said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

Heather said...

I'm a follower, and I've actually been to her website several times (I love her articles for Mormon times).

Heather said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

StrongerFamilies said...

I came, I followed, I browsed, I qualify based on #1 and #2. Thanks!

Laura said...

#1: complete for some time
#2: happily completed

Another great giveaway!

D... said...

I'm a follower and I checked out the site... good luck to me! :)

roxanne said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

A little Birdie... said...

I qualify! What a great giveaway!

bigwalnutfly said...

I am in! Good Luck to all.

KMF said...

I am a follower of your site (Love it!!), I visited Laura's Site and blog (I particularly loved Dear Tech Support — Installing a Husband) and I would like to participate in your contest.

Thank you for all the wonderful idea's you always post.

Brittany said...

Great giveaway! I am a follower and visited her website.

Jaynee & Dave said...

I'm a follower and I browsed the website, love it and definitely referring to it! qualifying for the giveaway.

Dear Chicka said...

I'm a follower, have visited her site and really want this book! YAY for giveaways!!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower, I browsed the website, and I would love to have a copy of this book!

Unknown said...

I am not ashamed and I want this book!

Christy said...

I am a follower, I browsed, I qualify based on #1 and #2. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Count me in please! Follower and checked out the site :)

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I'm a follower, I browsed, & I qualify! :) Thanks for the giveaway!


Club Jolley said...

I am a follower, and I went to her site which is really great! I hope I win! Thanks!


Dani said...

I have been (unofficailly) following your blog for a while...now it's official! I LOVE your ideas and have tried a few myself. I have also checked out her site and am excited to read her book. I hope I win! Thanks!

Ashlie Lanier Corder said...

I am a follower and I browsed her site, and I loved it. I would love to have a book of hers. Thank you

Sallee said...

Im a follower and I qualify! Today is my anniversary and Im doing your ransom note idea! Thanks, I love your blog!

Daniel and Justine said...

I've been wanting to read this book for a while. I follow your blog and browsed Laura's website.

robcallfamily said...

I qualify for this giveaway! AWESOME!

Natasha and Jesse said...

I follow your blog and I browsed her website. messier.7@gmail.com.

A Love Worth Waiting For.... said...

I follow your blog!

Natalie said...

I qualify! I can't wait. If I don't win I just might seek to buy this. Who wouldn't want to strengthen their marriage?

Dan said...

Yes I follow Laura's site and I found you through her. Please sign me up.

Camie said...

I qualify! This is a great giveaway! Thank you! Camie L.

Miriam said...

I'm a follower and checked out the website! I qualify! Thanks

Maranda & Will said...

I qualify! It all seems so insightful.

Anonymous said...

Looks cool! I would love to read it!

Anonymous said...

Looks cool! I would love to read it!

Unknown said...

I was following on my google reader but I am now officially following so I qualify on both counts!!
*cross fingers*
imallheart at gmail dot com

Miss Katie said...

I've been wanting to get this book. I qualify!! Great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I qualify too!!! I am excited to read it!!! :)

Kami said...

I am a follower and browsed the site...I hope I win!

Stageflutterby said...

I'm a follower and I checked out her site! So glad I stopped by today! :-)

Ashley said...

I am follower of your awesome blog and checked out her website. Great info! I hope I win. DH and I need this book.

Offbeat Optimism said...

I'm a follower! And I'm checking out the site now :)

Tisha said...


Allie M. said...

I'm a follower and I checked out her website. :)

Unknown said...

I qualify for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow I am glad you posted this because my hubby and I have just had discussions about how this area of our relationship is affecting so many other things ... and is affected by so many previous things in our lives. I would love to win this, and will most likely buy this if I don't win it! I am a follower and have checked out the website! great stuff, thank you!!

Dustin and Kelsey said...

I qualify!

Anonymous said...

I qualify! Thank you for sharing her web page. It's a really great resource. :)

Anita said...

yey! I qualify for #1 and #2 of the entry conditions!

Janaca said...

I follow and I checked out her site! Thanks for the chance.

6L's said...

awesome stuff! love your blog since i became a follower and checked out her site too! great giveaway...i hope i win it! :) richard19202002@yahoo.com

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