

Psychiatrist Date

Surely there are times when you wonder what in the world is going on in your spouse's head. Here's your chance to play psychiatrist and really find out just what is going on in there!

Here's how:

· As an invite to your date, call your spouse during the day to let him or her know that their psychiatrist just called and that they'd be making a house call tonight at 8:00 pm.

· When it's time for your date, have a sign on the door of the room which you'll use as your psychiatrist office. The sign could simply say, "Dr. (Your Name), Psychiatrist". Welcome them into your office with a warm greeting and invite them to sit or lay down (in a comfortable reclining chair, couch, etc.).

· Start with a warm up exercise including massaging their temples, face, neck and shoulders.

· After the warm-up, instruct your spouse: "For today's session, we'll be doing an exercise called "What If". This will allow me to understand you better and accurately identify any conditions affecting your mental health. Please answer all questions honestly." (Google "what if questions" for examples.) While your spouse sits or lays in a comfortable position, sit in a chair next to them with a notebook or clipboard in hand. Ask them a series of "What If" questions including questions you may actually want to know their response to as well as some funny questions. As they answer questions, randomly say to yourself (but out loud) things likes "interesting", "hmm...", "I see", etc.

· At the end of your session, let your patient know that they need a lot of help and that this prescribed medicine should help. (Recycle a used prescription bottle or even an old Advil or Tylenol container. Fill with skittles, m & m's, red hot candies, etc.) Your label could look something like this:



  1. Oh It keeps me smile while reading this. Nice thoughts really, it's so cute. It reminds me of something

    my bio:

  2. Way cute! I love all your creative ideas.

  3. Oh my!! How adorable!!

  4. Came across your blog while catching up on my friends last night. Love all of the Day to Day Romance ideas! I used the April Shower: Weather Spoof idea last night since we are going away for our anniversary this weekend. When my husband got home and saw it on his pillow, he was confused cause I had never done something like that. After he figured it out, he really liked it! I can't wait to use more of your ideas!!


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