

Romance Calendar

Here's a fun way to renew your romance daily with a romance calendar...

We did this for about a year when we were still in college. Our lives were so filled with school and part-time jobs that we forgot about each other day-to-day. And then, we found the perfect remedy... the "Castle Fusion Calendar"...something so simple and easy to remind us daily of our love for each other and to continually "fuse" us together. (hey, it was the time.)

(note: feel free to create your own unique title for your calendar)

Together, we planned a calendar for each month and posted it in our office. Most always, the tips for each day were SUPER easy, and required little effort, time or money.
I originally got this idea from

If you hit a dry spell for daily ideas, check this website: - it has "holidays" for each month and for each day... I LOVE this site!

Here is an example image of one of our previous calendars. You can create your calendar using Microsoft Word, Publisher, or another program.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVE this idea Cher. You are so creative and I look forward to reading your new ideas each day. Thank you for thinking of this blog!

  3. I love this idea but lack creativity to come up with ideas for everyday. Any tips, ideas, and advice would be great!


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