

Hidden Love Notes

While we were college students we kept a romance calendar. On schedule for this one particular day was to hide a love note for each other. Well, I made my cute little love note and hid it in his sock drawer (clever, I know...) in the morning before I left. As I walked to campus, I thought about where he'd hide my love note. So, in class, I searched my backpack with no luck. At work, I looked around my desk. Nothing. I had an evening class that night and I was a little bummed that I had not yet found my love note! Well, my sweet husband came riding up the hill after my class to pick me up on our ghetto little scooter. As I got on the back of the scooter, I discovered this taped to his back:

(In case your wondering, he hid some favorite candy of mine at home in the lamp shade)

Seriously, I know you all love yours...but I think I love my hubby more! How many guys do you know who use scrapbooking supplies to make a card for his wife? ....or who drives 6 blocks with THAT taped to his back! Ya. Not many. :)

The Point? You can learn a lot from my hubby. Place your hidden love note(s) somewhere unexpected. Let's face it, no matter what mood you're in, it's always a delightful surprise to find a hidden love note.

Here are ideas to spark your inspiration:

Inside their towel.
Inside a book your love is currently reading.
Taped behind a cupboard.
Behind the car sun visor.
On their pillow.
Inside their shoe.
Taped to their favorite beverage.
The bottom (outside) of a clear glass.
Hanging on a doorknob.
Taped on the backside of the remote control.
Inside the microwave. (Where they'll immediately see it.)
Inside their wallet or purse.
Laminated in a bubble bath.
Tucked in a pet's collar.
Very large, taped on an outside window.
Attached to your love's key chain.
In your mailbox.
On the ceiling, above your bed.
In a dresser drawer.
Inside a CD or movie sleeve.
In their work briefcase or bag.
Tucked in a toilet paper roll.
In a box of their favorite snack.

Oh...and you don't have to go to alot of work making a cutsie card...just write it on a little slip of paper and hide it! It will have the same effect.

Okay, it's your turn.
Where else would you hide a love note?


  1. Mine isn't very creative, I used to leave him love notes in his lunch box. We met at work and I used to send him chocolate through the interplant mail. :-) I like your ideas!

  2. You have the cutest ideas! I'll have to steal them until I can come up with my own.

  3. That is so cute! Can't wait to come visit you guys next month!

  4. K, kudos to your hubby, what cute idea! I'll have to suggest this one, I think we could do it pretty easy :)

  5. It's been a long time for me...
    Stopping by from SITS to say hello!
    Have a great day!

  6. these are really good ideas!!! I am big into love notes!

  7. i like to leave my husband notes in his vehicle (usually hidden in his tools). he installs internet so he drives a lot for work. it's the perfect place to surprise him with a love note in the middle of a stressful work day.

  8. Leaving a note as the desktop background on your computer is a neat idea. I am planning on going on a trip (my hubby can't go), and am going to use this idea along with the ideas you posted. Love this site.


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