

Cake Pop Proposal

So, I just stumbed upon the CUTEST. Proposal. EVER!

Bakerella teamed up with one lucky girl's boyfriend fiance to make one clever proposal!

Aren't you curious how the whole thing went down? You've got to check THIS and THIS out!

It made me all giddy...and made me wonder,
how were YOU proposed to?

I'd love to hear your story. So, please share in a comment!


  1. My fiance tricked me!
    We were in Atlantic City - he was "gambling" and I was at the bar. The whole time he said he was gambling, hee was setting up the room and carrying the ring around in his pocket, waiting for the right moment.
    He never proposed while we were out on the floor. He waited until we got upstairs. He let me in the room and shut the door behind me. {I was clueless.} I saw a box on my pillow and cautiously approached it. When I opened it, it was empty. I turned around to chastise him, but he wasn't there. I looked for him in the bathroom and the closet - couldn't find him. {it was a like an Easter egg hunt.} I finally opened the room door to him down on one knee.
    So sweet!

  2. awww...sweet! "Tricking" is a good move--- my hubby tried to trick me, too on the night he proposed. Thanks for sharing, Cassandra!

  3. Omg i am sitting here bawling after reading this! So awesome.

    My hubby while still awesome was a little short on the proposal thing. Its one of those "things" we dont bring up. I was so twitterpated and young I never realised that later it would be something I would want a different memory of.

    We were sitting around playing UNO with his dad and brothers. His dad says hey you two should get married. His brothers say yeah! Over spring break when we can get out of Alaska. Hubby says ok that works for me how about you! Before I knew it his mom had told everyone and I never got a formal proposal.Even just a private one would of been nice.

  4. aww, man! what can I say? That stinks. Hopefully he has made it up to you over the years.... :)

  5. I don't have an engagement story (yet), but the first time I saw a proposal like this was on The Pioneer Woman's photography section of her website. It was so cute!
    Here's the link to the actual proposal:

    And here's the follow up post:

    Then when I saw the proposal on Bakerella, I just about died! Such adorable ways to propose!!

  6. 22 years and I have thanked God for him everyday.Ü. A better proposal would have been nice but I got the best thing in the end.

  7. My husband had the ring in his pocket all day waiting for just the right moment. We were in and out all day doing things but he said that it never felt right. Then at 11pm we were at Hoover Dam walking on the top of it enjoying a really late date! But it was mid January and so cold. We were holding hands and then I felt something in his hand, I thought it was a button. We were standing on top of the dam nearly 400 ft in the air. I finally realized what I was holding. I totally screamed and pulled my hand out of his and the ring flew... and nearly went over the dam!!! LUCKILY HE CAUGHT IT!
    I was on cloud 9 as he drove me home that night. It began a very short and wonderful engagement.

  8. My honey was an RA at the mens dorms so I used to keep him company when he had office duty. We did a routine walk around the outside of the building about half way through his shift and when we got back inside the lounge, I heard banging on the upper lounge bay windows. I looked up, and there was a ROW of shirtless guys with "WILL YOU MARRY ME ?" painted across their chests (the guy in the "?" spot was black, so they had to use white paint- so funny!) Of course I burst into laughter turned to my sweetie, to find him on one knee with ring box. I'm so lucky to have a great guy by my side who's priority is putting a smile on my face!

  9. My husband is an amazing man, but romantical he is not. Our proposal was us sitting on the couch in the morning, talking about the plan for the day. He said "what are you doing in April?" I asked why and he said "Because I think you should finish up school and then we'll get married in April."

    I was like, dude, did you even ASK me? It was really, really bad. Still tease him to this day about it :) He's just lucky I married him.

  10. Baroness--wow, that would have been THE saddest proposal ever if that ring had actually dropped. I would have dived in after of it, then of course I'd be dead. Hence, a really sad proposal. I'm glad it all worked out! hehe.

    Lucia---oh I love the cleverness--is this a word?--of college students, especially when they're proposing. Lucky for him he had his dorm boys to help him out! You are lucky..I hope he keeps you laughing forever!

    Kris -- this is too funny. Kinda like "Turtles in Alaska"... at least you'll have a good story to look back on forever and make fun of him for. It's good to have "dirt" like this on your comes in handy sometimes. If he was perfect, what fun would that be?

    Thanks to all of you for sharing! I want to hear some more. These are great!!

  11. Oh, whoops...I forgot about you Angela... don't you worry, you'll have your own story soon enough. I think that some guy should team up with me for his proposal...I'll take after Pioneer Woman and Bakerella, and be the 3rd online blog proposal. Wouldn't that be funny?

  12. My boyfriend was actually supposed to propose to me yesterday (he thought it was going to be a surprise but I can read him too well by now :))-he had planned to take the day off and everything but then Fri. night an unforseen work related problem brought him back in on Saturday :(. Hopefully he doesn't wait too much longer. I can hardly wait!

  13. I am a teacher. John visited my afternoon class, read a story of us to my class, and proposed right then and there in front of everyone...with a blow pop ring! It was a final, my students may never forget. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  14. oooh I want to share!

    My husband is amazing. He knows I love fairy tales, and he is pretty theatrical.
    Last year I went to visit his family for the first time in Idaho (other side of the country). We had a mountain picnic arrange for his younger brother and sister (in college) and us. After we found a spot on the mountain, he mysteriously had to go back to get something from the car. His bro & sis lured me toward a light post (ski mountain) and tied me up! Loosely of course. As soon as I was tied up, Bro & Sis put on masks and my husband came running back up the mountain wearing a red cape & carrying a sword. He "fought" them off (they ran away to eat their dinner and the car) and came and untied me. After he caught his breath (thin mt. air), he got down on one knee and proposed. We had sparkling grape juice (I'm not 21) perfectly timed with a sunset picnic!
    He is such a planner!

    Sorry that was SOOO long, but I love to tell it!

  15. Froghunter--I hope you won't have to wait too long!! And, feel free to come back and share when you've got that ring!

    Kelly--that is too funny. I am a teacher myself...well, I was... after relocating to the east I decided I didn't want to teach here. For V-day, my hubby did a "heart attack" on my classroom door and left candy and flowers right outside the door and knocked. My students answered the door to find my surprise. embarrasing, but cute! A proposal, though---now that is something else!!

    Rebecca: wow, he really went all out!! I'd want to tell that story over and over again, too. Your own real-life fairytale! How fun... I think my husband should have done something like that, too...(being that I married into his last name, "Castle")

    Thanks for sharing, all!

  16. Mine is super long too but I think it's so fun! I knew he was going to propose because we had gone ring shopping together and picked a ring. That weekend, I had a DREAM that he said, ["We have to go to the Wendy's cookie room!" So we hurried over there and I went in and there were cookies EVERYWHERE and ring boxes all over the place. So I started looking in the boxes to see where my ring was. When I had opened a few, I said "knowing my luck, you will have had it the whole time" and he looked sheepish and pulled it out of his pocket and opened the box and it was his stretchy red CTR ring.] (END DREAM)
    I always told him my weird dreams and since this was sooo out there and funny, I of course told him. The night he proposed, we walked from his apartment up to the temple and after holding me with his heart pounding out of his chest, he got down and proposed, and when he opened the box, it was his stretchy red CTR ring! Thank goodness he made me laugh so I didn't cry. Then he said "Just kidding, I have the real one in my pocket." :D It was so cute!!

  17. Aww..Marcie..Good story! Don't you kinda wish you could have those memories on someone secretly recording you while he proposed? I'd give alot to go back and "watch" the moment my hubby proposed to me. I'm sure this is one memory you never want forgotten. Is it written down somewhere safe?! (ya...I'm kind of a sap)

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. My husband surprised me with a trip to Disneyland on a random Tuesday. We went around on all the rides and played all day long and then he mysteriously says, "Oh I have to go back to the car and make a work phone call." Get to the car, he tells me to sit in the front (all of his work was in his trunk so he's back there "making the call" and getting the ring he forgot!!) We go back into Disneyland, go on Splash Mountain (and get soaking wet, I might add!) and while just relaxing after the ride standing by the big lake by Tom Sawyer's island, my honey dropped to one knee in front of everyone and proposed! This was after he called my mother for permission too!! How cute is he?!

  19. Pretty cute, I must say. Do you think he really forgot it or he just didn't want to risk losing it throughout the day? Disney Land-- that's a good place to do it. Isn't their theme something about "where dreams come true?" --- perfect!

  20. Oh gosh that is tooo cute!! He's definitely a keeper

    First, I have to tell you about my friends proposal. During her dance concert, her partner purposely made a mistake and walked of the stage with everyone. While they were walking off, her bf walked onto the stage and proposed. It was sooo cute!

    My proposal: My husband was bugging me the night before to head to SL temple to take some pictures. I had a feeling something was up because he wouldn't take no for an answer. Finally he said that i could choreograph the pictures and he would take me to Olive Garden if I agreed. Yum! So on our 10th or so picture my plan was for him to dip me but he had other plans: He pushed me aside, got on one knee and said "will you marry me?" I responded "you pushed me"

  21. haha--Shahny...classic. My hubby walked me around the SL temple the night he proposed too....although that was just a decoy...he wanted to make me THINK he was going to propose there. But he didn't...I'll have to tell that story another time.

  22. I love reading everybody's stories!

    My husband proposed to me onesie! It was my birthday and we came home from a nice dinner out. My mom was home with our daughter babysitting...and waiting with a camera for the big moment. I came home to find my little girl wearing a onesie that said "Mommy will you marry my Daddy?"

    Of course my husband was a genius, how could I say no to our baby girl!

    I love love love your blog by the way...I can't stop writing down ideas for livening up my marriage!

  23. My hubby proposed on the bus on our way to Sao Paulo. I was feeling kind of blue b/c I had just seen a mission comp walk by and I couldn't get the window down to say hi. He wasn't too concerned and I was even a little sad that he didn't even try to open the window for me. So he then turns too me and just says that we've talked about marriage and kids and the only thing left to do was ask if I would marry him. Of course I said yes! Most people thought we were nuts since we only "dated" 5 days before he asked me but here we are--5 years later w/ 2 kids and we're going strong!

  24. Outnumbered---that's so cute. I don't know how you could say no to a baby...that's probably why he did it that know, just in case! Clever!

    Familia Alonso - you know, I'm amazed sometimes at those short engagements/dating period.. it does go to show that sometimes that doesn't matter, it's the commitment that you make to each other to make it work no matter what that counts! congrats on 5 years!

    Thanks for sharing...I have LOVED reading all your comments.

  25. wow..thats amazing idea and really got impressed. Looking forward to got new ideas from Thanks for post.

    r4 dsi


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