

Love Debit Cards 2

Remember my Love Debit Cards?

Well, I may have found something better. Yes, I can admit when I've been outdone.

sells these fun (and real looking) credit cards. But, you know me. Why buy when you can create your own? You can use them as inspiration for your own design, if you don't mind getting a little crafty. My favorite thing about their cards....the "slogans".

"LOVE - It's Anywhere You Want It To Be!" (think Visa)

"The Romantic Express Card -Don't let your special someone be without it!" (think American Express)

"Love's in your wallet" (think Capital One)

"Love - Spanning the Miles unconditionally!" (think frequent flyer rewards card)

"The Knowledge that you are truly loved - Priceless!" (think MasterCard)

Clever, right? Head on over to Links2Love and check them out!


  1. these are soo cute!! i should really get them for my boyfriend and give one out occasionally to perk up his day or something.

  2. So cute. I love the "Frequent Kisser" card.

  3. Brilliant!! =D Awesome idea as usual.. Will be checking them out..

  4. I really like the idea of an indestructible card for my husband's wallet ( I was already thinking of using your version on cardstock), but that weird angel thingy/fairy is going to keep me from buying them.
    I love your site and am planning to use many of your ideas! Thank you!!
    The only one I've tried so far is the Romantic Scrabble. My husband was pleasantly surprised that I wanted to play a game with him after the kids were in bed:)
    Would you please make a version of this blog for MEN!! Then HE could romance ME!!

  5. Angie..I have toyed with the idea of having a "no girls club" and may still. Just wanted to get this blog up to full potential's alot of work! :) I'm glad you tried Romantic Scrabble. And...I know what you mean. That little angel thing on those cards is a little weird. A little too femmy to give to our guys, huh? :) But, atleast it gave a little inspiration...


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