

Rediscover You + Me (Binder of Date Ideas)

Today's Feature Idea comes from The Creative Homemaker.

She loves dates with her hubby and said how she loves "to get all dolled up (wearing white pants even) and feel like a WOMAN and not a MOM for a night. It truely reminds me often why I fell in love with him. Its just us and we can feel/act like teenagers. How FUN is that!"

But, she is a busy mom and knows how easy it is to get in a rut of going to "dinner and a movie", so she made this gorgeous binder of ideas:

She organized it into a few different categories that worked for her and hubby... This is a great place to categorize ideas that you will actually do and know you can do. Maybe even a place to include ideas that you'd like hubby to do for you (wink, wink).

So, pull out some scrapbook paper, get decorating that binder, and perhaps the work you put into the binder will be motivation enough to do all the dates found within!


If I feature your idea, don't forget to grab a "Featured" button on my side column!



  1. Love it... such a great idea. I think date nights are SO important. We have one every week.

    I've actually just mentioned to my fiance that I would like to start an adventure date binder. Only doing things we've never done before together like a hot air balloon ride, zip lining, diving, etc., take a picture and make a caption of what we did/the date, and how we felt afterwards. Looking forward to getting it started soon! :)

  2. Yes, this is an awesome idea!! I think couples should do this more often and it helps...


  3. I'm so glad you featured the Creative Homemaker, I love that blog! This is a fantastic idea too!

  4. I actually just did this same thing last month! It's so convenient to be able to flip open the binder and there are a ton of ideas at my finger tips. There have been a couple Friday afternoons where I think, "Oh no, what are we gonna do for date night?" Enter The Date Night Binder and problem solved! I flip to the "No Prep" section and choose something. Ta-Da! Date night planned. I highly recommend it!

  5. Hey Cher- Thanks for featuring us on Love Actually! What an honor. This was Heather's great idea... she's amazing. And so are you. Love all your wonderful ideas and great finds! We are honored to be featured. XOXO

  6. I'm totally making a Date Night Binder for my hubby for our anniversary. (That way we can take turns picking out a date to plan every week. He doesn't have to worry about trying to be creative on his own, and I'm still surprised because I have no idea which of the million ideas he will choose)

    Thanks for ALLLLL of the fabulous date ideas I'm filling it up with!


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