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Sweet Thoughts

Look at this fun idea I found at We Are THAT Family...

You could have a big jar like above with fun-size candy bars inside, each wrapped with some "sweet thoughts"--loving sentiments. I think I would give this to my husband as a gift for when he needed a little "pick me up".

Your love could keep it in a deep desk drawer at work....or perhaps in their locker at school...or in a bedside table. Whichever they prefer.

...and when it gets low, be sure to give them free refills (of candy AND of new, sweet thoughts).


Melissa B. said...

This is great...the only trouble with it in my household would be that we had so many "sweet thoughts," we'd have to fill the jar every day! SITS sent me over...Happy Thursday!

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

This is a wonderful idea. It would even be great for a teacher gift…..with a different meaning like gratitude or something along the line of that. If I did this for my fiancĂ©e I would probably lick the jar clean. I would have to warp love sentiments around some tools or something :)

Unknown said...

Love this idea, and the jar is to cute! I would of never thought to wrap sweet (no pun intended) notes around the treats. P.S. love your new layout and header, SO ROMANTIC! i WISH my boo were home

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic idea! I'm leaving for a week long trip sans the hubs next week and I think I will make him one before I leave! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love it... it's perfect. Plus, it gives us a chance to be creative. I think I might make a mini Sweet Thoughts jar to send to my husband on his upcoming deployment.

Melody said...

I love this idea! My hubby has a birthday next week. I'll make him one that has 38 sweet thoughts for every year. Thanks for the great ideas!

Simply Sweet Marriage said...

Love this idea!! Super Sweet!!

Thanks for sharing!

Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

I always look forward to seeing what new ideas are posted here. This is an awesome blog so I'm giving you a "One Lovely Blog" award! Please stop by my blog to retrieve it:


Jewls said...

Hi! Just poppin' in from SITS! I love your blog...and I totally want to make one of those jars..the only problem is that my hubby works all day and if I had that thing at home I would eat the entire thing (probably in an afternoon), which would be great for my mind, but not so lovely for my waistline :) Cute blog though, I am totally going to check back here for romantic ideas!

Krystal said...

What a cute idea. I've been trying to think of a cute (but not too expensive) gift for my hubby for our anniversary. I think I might use this one!! Thanks!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously.. I think I want to marry you. You have all the good ideas!

klawellin said...

What a GREAT Concept for a blog!
I LOVE it!!! ; )

I will be coming back often to check out your ideas.


Multiple personalities.. said...

What an awesome idea! I've got a friend with a birthday coming up, this would be a great gift for her. I'd have to fill it with sugar-free since she's diabetic. Thanks for sharing! Have a fun SITS day!

Kathryn said...

CUTE idea!
I was wondering do you have any ideas specific for a spouse's birthday?

Cher said...

Kathryn...of course I have ideas for spouse birthday. Check out this post: http://loveactually-blog.blogspot.com/search/label/Birthdays

Lisa said...

that's a super cute idea. Would work awesome with the kids too...for lunchboxes and whatnot.

Deedles said...

What a great idea! Love it!

Anonymous said...

This was such a fun idea I couldn't wait to try my own little take on it! Thanks so much!
