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Sweetie Pie

Just thought I'd share a sweet little treat that you could share with... who else, your "sweetie pie"!


Now, before you go slaving away on a homemade pie...head to WalMart and grab yourself one of these for 58 cents!! (how's that for romance on a budget?!)

(comes in cherry, peach, lemon, apple, pumpkin, pecan, blueberry...and probably more flavors?)

Heat it up in the microwave for just a few seconds (minus the tin), and your hunny will think you baked a fresh pie just for them!



Romancing the Alley {Updated}

So, I don't usually repeat posts...but when I get a great tip that will be added to a previous post, I feel it requires a special mention...

You may remember my Romacing the Alley post.

Well, Ethan and his wife had something to add. (Thanks, you two!!) He and his wife bowl with this little twist:
  • Empty a small bag of Skittles or M&Ms into a cup or bowl

  • Assign different styles of bowling to the different candy colors and then have each person pick a piece of candy at the start of their turn to determine how they will bowl that round.

    Examples for different styles include:
    "Granny Style" (holding the ball with both hands)
    Bowling backwards between your legs
    Placing the ball on the ground and pushing it with your foot (don't kick it...)
    Bowling with your opposite hand
    Using a children's ball guide if available (not to be confused with alley bumpers)
    Having your turn bowled by your spouse
    Bowl normally

    Ethan said, "It is fun to laugh at yourself and others make fools of themselves on purpose. It also helps level the playing field and decreases the level of seriousness when bowling with people who know what they are doing."

    Such a great idea! Now, let's get bowlin!


Monopoly: Chocolate Edition *GIVEAWAY!*

Would you believe I found the coolest item at my local "Christmas Tree Shops" store? Well, I did.

Chocolate Monopoly

Me and hubby sat down and played. It's really simple and takes no more than 15 minutes with the two of you. So, if you only have time for a 15 minute date, get yourself one of these!

There are also chocolate editions of these games:

I gotta say, though...I searched high and low for this online for those of you who don't have a Christmas Tree Shops close by (It's really only on the east coast). I'm sure there are other random stores that carry this, but it's a hard game to get a hold of online. So, if you find a good link to buy it from, please share with us all!

And, just because I felt like it, I bought one extra game to share with one of my followers!
To qualify to win, I ask that you:
1. Be a follower ------->
2. Post my button on your blog (html code ----> )
3. Leave a comment saying you qualify.
I will do a random drawing on Wednesday, December 2.

Would you or your business like to sponsor a giveaway on Love, Actually?
Email me:
loveactuallyblog @ hotmail.com


Memorable Mealtimes

Family Dinner can be a great time to press pause on our lives and enjoy time talking and catching up. Sometimes, however, nit-picking and petty arguments turn “family dinner” into a not-so-pleasant experience... can you relate?

Here are a few ideas to try at your table, whether it's just the two of you or a whole crew!

Conversation Cards: These can be used to stimulate meaningful and enlightening conversation...you never know what you may discover about each other by asking questions you never thought to ask before. While eating dinner, take turns reading and answering the conversation cards. When dinner's over, recycle the stack for the next day!

I have created a free download for you of 18 conversation cards... You gotta try these out, even if for just one night. And, of course, you can make your own with new questions once you run out.

Conversation Jar: Same idea as the conversation cards, just in a jar with slips of paper.

picture from PartiesandHolidays

Table Talk:
Perhaps you've seen something like this. (You'll have to use your imagination because I have no visual). It's a tablecloth with conversation questions on it. No need for cards... Between bites, read a question out loud for another family member to answer in a random fashion.

Create your own:
Your local fabric store or walmart has clear or white, thick plastic on large rolls. Have them cut you a piece that will fit your table. Then, write conversation questions randomly and in different directions all over your new plastic tablecloth with a permanent marker. easy-peasy.

"Just Because" Celebrations:
If you are the one who makes dinner and sets the table, try, on occasion, to have a special dinner (maybe with your spouse's favorite foods). Throw on a table cloth and a candle and you'll have one bewildered spouse. When they ask what the occasion is, reply that it's the dog's birthday, the last day of winter...or something. Just to see their reaction may be worth all the extra effort!

Count your Blessings: Begin each meal with each of you saying three thankful things. It can be as simple as "I'm thankful we're having Jell-O" or more elaborate, like "I'm thankful that my boss was in a good mood today!" It changes the focus from whatever negativity the day has brought to the positive things that happen in our lives each day. {idea from this great article from Redbook Mag}

High, Low: Each person takes a turn coming up with the high and low points of their day. Imagine if you did this everyday--Even just this simple information could give you great insight on your spouse's day.

Here's to your family dinners..may they be ever delicious...and engaging!


Winner of Hot Lunch Date Box!!

Yay! We have a winner (sorry....i bet you've all been waiting...)

Congrats to:


She's got 4 CUTE little boys to keep her busy...so hopefully this lunch box date kit will be just what she needs to pull off a date with her hubby!

{Allen Family: please email your address and which Hot Lunch Date Box you would like.}

Thanks again to the girls over at Hot Lunch Dates!


Giveaway Ending SOON & New Moon!

Hey all! Today is the last day to enter the giveaway!! You have until 12 midnight EST.
So get yourself over to THIS post.

As a side note,
I'm going to New Moon tonight with my girlfriends....we're pretty excited. We've even got matching vampire shirts.
We thought about making our shirts say,
"My husband has my heart, but Edward has my neck..."

But then we found pre-made shirts at TJ Maxx. Mine says, "I'm in love with a fictional vampire..." hehe.

So long, husbands! :)
Anyone else going tonight..(or last night)...or soon?!


4th Anniversary...

no...it's not the 4th Anniversary of this blog (it's not even a year old yet)...

... it's my Wedding Anniversary today!

And, I wanted to take one blog post to say Happy Anniversary to my hunny. He deserves a "public dedication" and this is close as I'm gonna get. And since this blog seems to take a lot of my free time which could be spent with him... I really owe him one.

I'll save the gushy stuff for him in person, but, I really Really REALLY love this boy....4 times as much as the day I married him. Really. I'm so thankful to have him in my life.

Happy Anniversary, babe!


Pizzeria Date Night

Has anyone seen "No Reservations" with Catherine Zeta Jones? I love that movie...I especially like how it makes running a little restaurant with your love seem so romantic! This was my inspiration for today's idea.


On your next date night, open a pizzeria together at your place! You'll be the chefs, creating your own pizza masterpieces. This can be done while the kids eat mac&cheese in front of a movie. You have to eat dinner, too... might as well make a date of it!

Here's what you'll need:
  • Pizza kits (pre-made dough and ingredients)
  • Pizzeria Style drinks (Coke...or whatever.)
  • Chef's Hats & Aprons (optional, but fun!)
  • Red and white checkered tablecloth
  • Paper plates/napkins
  • A sign on your wall or table identifying it as your pizzera
  • Mints (I don't think I've ever left a pizzeria without being offered a mint)
  • My free downloadable and printable invitation

And, just for fun...I thought I'd throw in pictures of our date..

    Oh, and don't worry if things get a little saucy...

    Buon appetito!

    PS: Don't forget about the current giveaway!! Click HERE for your chance to win... ends Friday!!


    Love Debit Cards 2

    Remember my Love Debit Cards?

    Well, I may have found something better. Yes, I can admit when I've been outdone.

    sells these fun (and real looking) credit cards. But, you know me. Why buy when you can create your own? You can use them as inspiration for your own design, if you don't mind getting a little crafty. My favorite thing about their cards....the "slogans".

    "LOVE - It's Anywhere You Want It To Be!" (think Visa)

    "The Romantic Express Card -Don't let your special someone be without it!" (think American Express)

    "Love's in your wallet" (think Capital One)

    "Love - Spanning the Miles unconditionally!" (think frequent flyer rewards card)

    "The Knowledge that you are truly loved - Priceless!" (think MasterCard)

    Clever, right? Head on over to Links2Love and check them out!


    {Let's Just Fall in Love Again}

    If I could have a "theme song" for this blog, I may have just found it!
    You've got to watch this ADORABLE music video...I'm sure you can find a way to apply it to your relationship!

    If you can't see this video, go to launch.com and in the Top 100 Video Charts,
    look for "Let's Just Fall In Love Again" by Jason Castro.

    Let's Just Fall In Love Again Lyrics

    Let's pretend baby
    That you've just met me
    And I've never seen you before
    I'll tell all my friends
    That I think you're staring
    And you say the same to yours

    And oh, we'll dance around it all night
    And then Ill follow you outside
    And try to open up my mouth
    And nothing comes out right

    And I wanna fall in love with you again
    I don't have to try
    It's so easy
    Who needs to pretend?
    But because it's so funny
    Let's just think about it, honey
    Let's just fall in love again

    I'll call you in three days
    Not too soon, not too late
    And I'll ask your roommate if you're home
    You call me on Thursday
    And we'll hang out all day
    Then fall asleep on the phone

    And oh, I'll hold your hand when we drive
    And we'll lose track of all the time
    And we'll tell everyone
    That we ain't never felt so alive

    And I wanna fall in love with you again
    I don't have to try
    It's so easy
    Who needs to pretend?
    But because it's so funny
    Let's just think about it, honey
    Let's just fall in love again

    We'll fall disgustingly fast
    And we'll stop hanging out with friends
    And they'll be so offended

    And I wanna fall in love with you again
    I don't have to try
    It's so easy
    Who needs to pretend?
    But because it's so funny
    Let's just think about it, honey
    Let's just fall in love again
    Lets just fall in love again


    Giveaway!! {Hot Lunch Dates}

    Get a load of this...

    THE coolest website found ME and offered a giveway of something fabulous. I'm not exaggerating. This one's really cool. Read on, my friends.

    Hot Lunch Dates has created themed dates all packed inside lunch boxes for ridiculously fun dates! These are great for you and your spouse, or as a gift...(I'm thinking wedding or bridal shower gift!)

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks perpetual "dinner and a movie" dates are BORING!

    They have 4 different Hot Lunch Date Boxes to choose from and they will be giving away one of them to one of my followers (You'll get to pick your favorite).So, first, go check their website out so you know which Hot Lunch Date you'd want if you won!
    And then, read the qualification standards (can you tell I'm in real estate..?) for winning:
    1. Be a follower of my blog. {yes, I discriminate} :)
    2. Answer this question in the comments section of this post: What is the best pickup line used on you or the best way you've been asked out on a date?

    Lots of Additional Entries:
    (leave an additional comment for each)
    *Post my button on your blog.
    * Become a Facebook Fan of "Hot Lunch" and "Love, Actually Blog"
    * Follow "hotlunchdates" and "ccloveactually" on Twitter
    * Subscribe to Hot Lunch Date's blog
    * Look at their Lunch Box Dates and write which date box is your favorite and why.
    What a delicious giveaway...I'm so exited about it!
    Get yourself entered...Giveaway ENDS Friday, November 20th.


    Maggie's Dinner Dates: Group Dating Inspiration

    My blog has been hijacked!!
    Okay, I'm only kidding. But, if I could choose anyone to hijack it, it'd be Maggie from Maggie's Dinner Dates.

    We're gonna try a blog swap every month or so...she has some fabulous ideas for group dating....
    I'll let her tell you the rest...

    Hello Love, Actually readers! I'm so excited to be blog swapping with Cher today. I'm Maggie, the dinner date girl. My blog is Maggie’s Dinner Dates. Cher, thanks so much for blog swapping with me! I also would like to invite you to come read her post today at my blog.

    A Little About Me:
    I am a super busy SAHM who does digital scrapbooking, puts together family home evening kits, and designs Twilight products. My specialty and joy is planning and carrying out themed dinner parties in our home.

    How Maggie’s Dinner Dates began:
    My love for group dating really started a year and a half ago as my husband and I undertook a ‘year-long project’. We were determined to meet every couple from our church ward on a more personal level. Our 4th child was recently born and I was just a little overwhelmed by motherhood! I was dying to get out of the house and have fun with other adults, but it never seemed to happen. Jeff and I were so busy with our young family and not making time to date one another. By Summer of ’08, I knew that I had to do something!

    Then the idea came to me rather suddenly. I would pick a different theme per month and plan a dinner party around that theme inviting somewhere between 4 and 9 couples to each party. My husband, who was also eager to get some adult time, was all for it!

    That first dinner date was an Italian dinner. I remember how I felt that night after my first dinner party. I felt wonderful! I was exhausted and a little sore from all the running around, but I was deliriously happy that it had gone so well. I guess you could say that I was giddy!
    Because of the success of the first one, I felt reassured that we needed to continue with the project. We followed with an Asian dinner party the next month and every month thereafter it was a new theme. We quickly worked our way through the couples in our church and while doing it, WE HAD A BLAST! During each dinner party (as hectic as they sometimes were) I would step back and think about what an amazing group of people had come over that night and how it seemed that everyone was really enjoying themselves. After our first dinner party I was on a total high! I didn’t feel like Ann’s mom, or Jeff’s wife, but I felt like Maggie, the fun loving outgoing girl that I had once been. With each party my confidence grew!

    I hope that each of you will give ‘dinner parties’ a chance! Just go for it! It may sound scary, but with Cher and I here helping you with any suggestions or advice you may need I know that you can do it! Don’t keep putting it off! In the process of group dating/dinner parties I have fallen in love with my husband all over again. And I do every single time we host a party.

    This month Cher has asked me to share with you one of our dinner dates. This is a party that I have not hosted yet, but will be hosting on the 19th of this month. It is a dinner party for the release of the New Moon movie in theatres. I know that my husband is one of many men that have also read the books and won’t mind having dinner celebrating the movie release (not to mention.. those Twilight books always put me in a more affectionate mood (wink, wink). I have created for you some fun date idea cards to help you quickly plan a New Moon party in the next few weeks.

    Images are LINKED for free download!

    I look forward to posting next month about a couple’s dinner party to celebrate Christmas called a Jingle Mingle! You don’t want to miss it!


    Isn't she great? Thanks, Maggie.

    I gotta say, I can totally relate to loving my husband more when we hang out with other couples...however bad this is about to sound. After interacting with other couples and their husbands, I sometimes can't help but be thankful that I have my husband... (and hopefully none of my friends reading this take offense...) because I think mine is the best! {But isn't that how everyone should think about their spouse?} It's nice to go with him at the end of the night.

    Don't forget to go check out Maggie's Blog!


    Cake Pop Proposal

    So, I just stumbed upon the CUTEST. Proposal. EVER!

    Bakerella teamed up with one lucky girl's boyfriend fiance to make one clever proposal!

    Aren't you curious how the whole thing went down? You've got to check THIS and THIS out!

    It made me all giddy...and made me wonder,
    how were YOU proposed to?

    I'd love to hear your story. So, please share in a comment!


    Peanut Butter Love Note

    I haven't done a Midweek Romance post in quite a while, soo...... here's for all you who need a quick idea, without much effort!

    If your other half is a peanut butter lover (or maybe even a butter-tub lover), leave him a little love note on the next new container you buy.


    Romantique Paris Rendezvouz

    If any of you dream of going to Paris....and you know you won't be whisked away anytime soon to the "world's most romantic city"... then stop dreaming and start creating!

    I've borrowed these ideas and pictures from Becca. (I've used her and her hubby's ideas before...and I'm sure this won't be the last time). She's got one great husband...and she knows it. He planned this day in Paris for her.

    They ate at a little cafe in Paris... overlooking the Eiffel Tower!

    The cafe served French Fries (...of course, hehe)

    and Croissants...

    As a souvenir of their trip to Paris, they used Photo Booth on their MAC to create this:

    Sooo fun---and such a perfect example of how you can create a great themed date without spending a bundle!
    Here are some other ideas for bringing Paris home!

    - Place a printed flag of France near the door with a sign saying, "Welcome to France"
    - To make this a more "authentic French" date, prepare a traditional French delicacy. Ideas & Recipes HERE.
    - End the night with a little French Kiss! Ooh La la!

    Au Revoir!