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Volume 25 Print Giveaway

Hey all....we've got a fantastic giveaway today....I'm just a little bit excited about it!

Allow me to introduce the sponsor....

Meet Jessica.

She is the voice behind Vol.25. She is the mommy to 2 beautiful little girls, 5 and 2 and married to to her hubby who she describes as the sweetest, most understanding guys you will ever find. She has always enjoyed drawing, and hopes that at least one person will connect with
each piece of art she create.

Well, Jessica...mission accomplished. I LOVE your art and you will, too.

Take these for example. What's NOT to love?

love. them.

One of Jessica's $20 prints could be yours free. You can browse all her prints HERE.

Here's how to qualify for the giveaway.

1. Be a Follower of Love Actually.
2. Visit Vol 25 and comment with your favorite print.

PS: Facebook followers usually get sort of "bonus entry" if you want to follow Love Actually there ------->

You can also sign up for her Newsletter to access exclusive discounts and special offers!


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Angela said...

I'm already a follower :)
I've been loving the "I measure my life in coffee spoons" print for ages now. Vol 25 is fantastic!

#unmatched said...

I am a follower. love "you are the fairest of them all" print.

Mrs Chronic-Shock said...

I am a follower.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new "Puff of Love"

Ry and Ally said...

There are WAY too many to choose from! I'm loving the "I love you" one though. Such beautiful colors!Wow. Such gorgeous pics I would LOVE one!!

Mrs Chronic-Shock said...

I already follow you on Facebook :)

Ry and Ally said...

Fan on FB as well. :)

Whitney and Luke said...

I am a follower

roxanne said...

I am a follower. My absolute favorite is Sailing the Storm but I love so many of them! Thanks!

roxanne said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Jennifer Karyn said...

i LOVE the initials on the tree but i also LOVE roses among us. Her art is great I love it.

Jennifer Karyn said...

I'm a follower!

Mrs Chronic-Shock said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Elizabeth said...

there are so many, it's hard to pick! i'd love about ten of them! but i do like the "fairest of them all" for my daughter's room.

Elizabeth said...

i'm a follower

Elizabeth said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Surf Momma said...

I'm a follower, I love her where we love is home print! I think I'd even splurge on the bigger print!

Chelsea said...

follower and favorite is I will be grateful and the custom initial tree

Stacey said...

I'm a follower! These are faaaabulous! I love them!!!

staceywalk @ gmail . com

Stacey said...

My fave is Bound to You. Love the birds! So awesome!

Chelsea said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Amy and Woody said...

I'm a follower and I love the picture with the back of the car that reads "and they lived happily ever after". All of them were great!

Blair said...

Wow! Her stuff is too cute. I think my favorite is the "Do all things with love" series (the initials carved in the tree trunk). What a great wedding gift it would be!

MECR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Teresa said...

I'm a LA follower. I really dig ALL the prints...seriously - how do you decide?! But if I had to pick, it might have to be "Love Who You Are" owl piece. So cute.

Teresa said...

I also just became a follower of LA on facebook.

Lisa said...

I just became a follower and my favorite print is "home is where our story begins". Her art is so unique and great! Love it! :-D

The HousewifeTravels said...

I follow! And on FB. I love Do all things in Love and Sailing the Storm. Very talented.

Cassie Lopez said...

"I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!"

Cassie Lopez said...

I'm a follower :)

CK Morgan said...

i love the happily ever after one with the car! All of them are so cute!

Cassie Lopez said...

Though I'd love to have many of them, my favorite is "And they lived happily ever after..."

Life In Oh-me-haw said...

I LOVE the tree with initials on it and also the camper ones!!! Too cute.

Casey said...

I'm a follower!

Casey said...

I love Jessica's work, I would get the xoxo print :)

The HousewifeTravels said...

"I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home! I really love this website.

Kristi said...

I'm a follower!

Kristi said...

I adore 'the journey' print!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower

krystal said...

I'm a follower! I love the puff of love- NEW

Lindsey V said...

I followed here recently and now am a follower of Vol. 25 on Facebook and the blog. I LOVE the heart on the tree with "A&L"...those are the initials of my husband and I....sigh...love it!!!

Shahny said...

I've been a follower :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE "bound to you"
I'm already a FB follower

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I'm a follower!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

My faves are:
customize your own- do all things with love

and they lived happily ever after- NEW

wherever we are together

Unknown said...

Im a follower! I ADORE "love happens." The robots are adorable.

Shahny said...

I also love "do all things with love" the customize your own version

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower ! Love the do all things with love

jeanine said...

I'm a follower.

I love the heaps of love!

Katie said...

I am a follower of this awesome blog!

Shari said...

I'm a follower here and a friend on FB, and I'm signing up for her newsletter!

My absolute favorite is We Make a Happy family, but that one is $25. I'd put that one on my living room wall and arrange my family photos around it.

I love all the zoo series ones for a playroom.

So I went through each print probably 4 times, and I'm going to say the Bound to You one is my favorite of the $20 collection.

Katie said...

All of the prints are amazing! One of my favorites is "Wherever We Are Together"

Katie said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...

These are SO great! I love the "i will be grateful for this day"

ellie said...

I'm a happy follower! My favorite print is LOVE-perfect for your kitchen. These are great, beautiful work.

Kaleena said...

I like "sailing the storm"

Ashley said...

I'm a follower of your blog and I "liked" it on facebook too =)

I like "Home is where our Story Begins"!!! =)

Kelsey Peterson said...

I love the seeds of freedom! Such a talented artist!

Jennifer said...

I am a follower and LOVE all the ideas on your blog. We have already had two dates from your blog!

I love the Home is where your story begins print!

Kelsey Peterson said...

FB follower

Janey said...

i am a follower and i am not sure my favorite i REALLY like the delicious red apples one i think that would be super cute in a kitchen but i love the one that has the quote" I'd rather have roses on the table then diamonds on my neck"

Sam@Life as Mrs. B said...

When you featured Volume 25 a little while ago I absolutely fell in love with her prints! I love the "an they lived happily ever after" print! :)

Wendy G said...

I am currently a follower & a fan. I love volume25! I have been coveting some of her ps overlays for some time. I would definitely hang a vol25 print in my home - in our bedroom to be specific. I think I would choose the initial tree.

Alicia said...

My favorite is "i will be grateful for this day" .. something I try to remind myself of everyday.

Megan said...

Wow... I absolutely love all of those! So cute! I think my favorites were the tree with the initials and the where you love is home!

Sharen said...

I love the... Where We Love Is Home...piece.

Alicia said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Alicia said...

I'm a follower! :D

Mavi said...

I'm already a follower and I would love the piece "wherever we are together that is home!"

mrs.newby said...

i love this prints! im a follower already! "Where We Love Is Home" would look wonderful in my military household!!

A. Kerr said...

I love the "where words fail music speaks" print. I'd love to put this in my music room (yes, I really do have a whole room just for music) :)

Amie said...

I loveeee the Home Is Where Our Story Begins picture. Her style is soo cute. I hope I win! :)


Amie said...

Im a follower, and have been for quite a while! Love all your ideas!!


Anonymous said...

I am a follower of Love Actually!

Diana said...

I'm a follower. The Real Love Stories is my favorite print. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

can i just say that i LOVE your blog and hers !!! all these cute ideas make me a happy lady! i just got married to my sweetheart and i would absolutely ADORE having the "happily ever after" print up in our apartment! :D

Anonymous said...

I love the Where We Love Is Home !

Queen of the Rant said...

They are all amazing, but I really like the tree one.

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I'm a follower of Love Actually.


April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

My favorite print is the I Am A Bookworm. :)


The Reel Fisch Story said...

These are amazing! I really like the "and they lived happily ever after" print!

The Reel Fisch Story said...

I'm also a follower on FB:)

Sara Tornow said...

I'm a follower!

Sara Tornow said...

I love the "You Only Live Once" print.. it's perfect!

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

I'm a follower :) Love the carry your heart ones.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower

Lindsay Haynie said...

I'm a follower.

I love the zoo love print series.

they're darling!

Anonymous said...

my favorite is
and they lived happily ever after

Anonymous said...

i like you on facebook

Laura W. said...

I am a follower and i love the "do all things w/ love" print

Shantel Peaden said...

I am a follower!

Shantel Peaden said...

I adore the "Love who you are" piece. It's wonderful.

Jenny said...

I am a follower!

Jessica said...

I am a follower. I love her Zoo Love prints, perfect for my kids playroom and a gentle reminder of how much we love them.

Jenny said...

I LOVE the "xoxo" and the one with the tree with the initials carved in the heart!

Saunders Family said...

I'm a follower... I LOVE It all! Seriously, the silverware LOVE would look fantastic in my kitchen!

Jen said...

I like the "I am a bookworm print"- well, really I like all her stuff :)

Lila said...

Threes a crowd is too adorable and funny.

I am a follower and would love one of these awesome prints.

Jen said...

I'm a follower!

jill said...

wow! amazingly amazing prints. i love the tree trunk with initials in them and the little birds. but the 'love' prints are also my faves! and she's from prosser where my dad grew up! small world!

jill said...

i follow this adorable blog of yours!

Shae Johnson said...

I am a follower... I love the Zoo Giraffe print!

Ginny said...

I love the new i am a bookworm- new for august

Krisling said...

I'm a follower

Liz Johnston said...

love the prints! How does she do it??

Krisling said...

My favorite prints are... all of them. But I really like the Love Who you are and the giraffe. And all of them.

The Hulbert Family said...

I am a follower and LOVE her guitar print! http://www.etsy.com/listing/49464411/music-speaks-new-for-june

It's a perfect combination of My Danish Heritage and my husbands love form guitars.

Jordan said...

I'm a follower and my favorite is the "Where we love is home..." couch print.

Krisling said...

"I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Untypically Jia said...

I follow! And I am seriously in love with the do all things with love tree print!!

Mackenzie said...

They are all SO STINKIN CUTE, this is one of my new favorites! But my most favorite one is "Hello World - TTV" I love birds, and I love blue!

Julee said...

I follow your blog (and on twitter & facebook) I love all of her prints especially "i will be grateful for this day". such a great sentiment!

Katie said...

I follow your awesome blog! And I absolutely LOVE the "I will be grateful for this day" print. It really speaks to how I try to live my life!

Jenna said...

I definitely follow your blog and my favorite is "I measure my life in coffee spoons" SO ME!

Sarah said...

The knife and fork LOVE pic is darling! And yes I'm a follower!

Dani said...

I am DEFINITELY a follower of your blog (love it!) and my favorite is "bound to you" (in turqoise). Thanks for the great give away!

Melissa said...

Already following!

Melissa said...

ZoOo Zebra and heaps of love. Luv!

rachel lynne said...

i LOVE all of them! favorite = it is only with the heart that one can see rightly. : )

Anne said...

I follow love actually
annemolino at hotmail dot com

Anne said...

I would choose 'i will be grateful for this day' or wash cycle. I just love her work.

Anne said...

"I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!" FB!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower!!! I love the print:
the way you think


Unknown said...

I am a follower and love the print "be grateful for this day" Thx for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a follower, and my favorite print would have to be the customizable "do all things with love." But they are all so stinkin' cute!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

I'm a follower!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Love this one: Airstream edition- wherever we are together

Anne said...

I am a follower.

Amy said...

I love the home is where our story begins one or the happily ever after (as a wedding gift)

Amy said...

I am a facebook fan of Love Actually as well!

Christina said...

LOVE these my favorite is the Customize the tree with me and my hubby's initials.

Christina said...

And I follow you :)

Anonymous said...

Already a follower...

I love the "couch love" print!

I follow "love actually" on facebook too!!!

Have a GREAT day!!

Kari said...

"Three's a Crowd" is my all time favorite of hers!

Amy said...

I am a follower and I am loving "Cooking Up Love" Too cute and so talented!!

Valerie said...

I am a follower! Woot! Woot!


Valerie said...

I am a fan on fb already!


Valerie said...

My favorite, favorite print is the one of the car driving off down the road with the words "You only live once, but if you work it right, that's all you need"!

Fingers crossed!


Sallie said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home! No really, I would! I love it all!

I have been to 4 bridal showers in the past month and on all the advice sheets/books, I write this blog down and tell them to go here!


Dani N' Steph Bates said...

"seeds of freedom" is my favorite. I looked at it, and it gave me a calm feeling. Makes me think of the breeze. :) so beautiful.

Unknown said...

Absolutely a follower! I love "I am a bookworm." Thanks!

Carol said...

Being a teacher, I have to pick "I am a bookworm"! It is so cute and would look great by my desk in my classroom.

Jessica said...

I'm a follower of Love Actually!

Jessica said...

After looking, I still love the "do all things with love" customizable print!

Thurston Fam said...

i love the be who you wish to be one..for my daughter! but if i choose for me i'd choose the initials carved in the tree!!! cute stuff!!!

Jessica Lynn said...

I'm a follower :)

Rachel (Diary of a Recovering Chocoholic) said...

I'm a follower. I like happiness is a way of travel and I'm a book worm

rachel.beasley AT converse.edu

:Deliciously Healthy said...

That, my friends, was seriously hard! I LOVE them all, but I think I finally decided on "Love is Everything"

I'm following your blog!

Anne said...

I think the giraffe print is super cute.

Amy said...

Follower :)

Amy said...

I love the roses among us print.

mamaTAVE said...

Sweet! My daughter has an owl-themed room and "love who you are" would be so cute in there against the green walls...

Gena said...

I already do follow your blog. And I love this gal's stuff! Always have! I can't choose just one, but I really like the 'I will be grateful..." or 'we make a happy family.'

This is a great one! Hope I win!

sarah. said...

i follow! favorite one is i will be greatful! :)

sarah. said...

follow on FB too! :)

Britt said...

I am a follower and I looked through all the prints and had a terrible time picking just one, BUT I think my FAVE is "I will be grateful" (mainly because I know I need a daily reminder!) Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Matt and Jen McEvoy said...

I am a follower!
I love this art, all of the prints are ADORABLE!! I really like the "bound" one with the two birds looking at the moon, SO CUTE!!! I want to WIN!!!


Matt and Jen McEvoy said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home! I am a facebook follower!


Celeste said...

Reposting now that I'm with the program. :)

I'm a follower...and, like I said earlier, I like the "Heaps of Love" print. :)

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

I love the "Powder Room" series. I need them in my bathroom

Gena said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Shambray said...

I am already a follower. I LOVE your blog! I am also a fan on Facebook. I love bikes so I love "life is like riding a bicycle"-biscuit color! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas on your blog!

Allie M. said...

I am a follower as well as a fan on Facebook and I'm trying to pick my very favorite of her prints. So far, I love Puff of love, do all things with love, wherever we are together, and they lived happily ever after, love happens, any of the kitchen or ZoOo series. :)

Misty said...

I'm a follower! I love your blog.

Misty said...

I'm a fan on fb too..

Misty said...

In Love One and One are One. I love that!

Carol, Brandon and the Family said...

I'm a follower! I absolutely ADORE Puff of Love!

The Hulbert Family said...

"I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!"

(I already posted on facebook and this blog but FYI, I love the guitar print she has with the H.C> Andersen quote!)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to choose just one print! I love them all! But I would have to go with the "Fairest of Them all" print. Cause we all need reminding everyonce in a while!

{Holding my breath I win!}

Becca said...

Oh- how darling! My favorite is the "And they lived happily ever after." Lovin' it!

Becca said...

Oh, and- "I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!"

Les said...

Already a follower! :) I love the Puff of Love!

Les said...

"I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!"

Kirsten Smith said...

Already a follower and I love so many of her prints! The "I love you" print with the birds stuck out to me though. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

The Bedke Fam said...

I'm a follower!


The Bedke Fam said...

I LOVE them all! It's so hard to choose. I would say probably the Where We Love is Home print or the Do All Things with Love Print.


The Bedke Fam said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!


mags said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

mags said...

I am a follower and I love the "I will be grateful for this day" (and many others too!)

Nicole M said...

I am a follower of your blog and i really love her tree initials drawing, the robot love, the typewriters. They are all beautiful and creative!

Daniel and Justine said...

I'm a follower.
"Do all things with love" is my favorite print, but they're all fabulous!

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

I absolutely love the "do all things with love" print - adorable! I'm a follower too. :)

Camille said...

I'm already a follower! I love the "Remember Happiness" print!

Heather Feather said...

I'm a follower!
I love LOVE- perfect for your kitchen
ZoOo Giraffe- ZoOo series
She is amazing!

Liz said...

i'm a follower!
oh goodness! how do i even pick? they are all so stinking cute! the robot one is adorable. and all the little bird ones!

Liz said...

I would totally hang a vol25 print in my home!

Molly said...

I'm already a follower! I love the Love Happens print with the robots -- so fun!

Jackie said...

I follow Love Actually on Google Reader.

Jackie said...

I would absolutely LOVE to have the "do all things with love" customizable print! Pick me, pick me, pick me!

Jordan Cole said...

I love the and they lived happily ever after! and I am your follower!

Mrs.BigTime said...

I just found your blog - so cute! I am now a follower :)

I have seen Volume 25's shop before and I think she is so creative! I'd love the "Airstream Edition" print for my home. We love camping and think the old airstream trailers are so charming. Perfect!

Mrs.BigTime said...

I just found your blog - so cute! I am now a follower :)

I have seen Volume 25's shop before and I think she is so creative! I'd love the "Airstream Edition" print for my home. We love camping and think the old airstream trailers are so charming. Perfect!

Heather said...

I'm a follower!

Heather said...

and I am a facebook fan!

Lindsay said...

i follow and i love the puff of love picture

kirsten and josh said...

i am a follower!
kirsten s

kirsten and josh said...

i love her art!! my favorite is : "in love"- in blue
kirsten s

Julie said...

I am a follower!

Julie said...

I love the and they lived happily ever after one...but there are too many to choose from!

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