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Baby Giveaway 2 - EZ Nursing Cover

Carli from EZ Nursing Cover is today's "Then Comes Baby" giveaway sponsor! She specializes in creating trendy nursing covers at a great low price...which is wonderful for mothers on a budget! She also sells fabric organizers, baby wraps, and aprons. Check out all her options on her website HERE.

The winner of this giveaway will receive this super cute nursing cover! (I LOVE this fabric!)

To qualify for the givewaway:

1. Follow Love Actually
2. Check out Carli's website
3. Vote for me on TopMommyBlogs HERE
(Submit a comment on TUESDAY to qualify!)

All winners for this week's giveaways will be announced on Saturday, April 10.
Come back tomorrow for another giveaway!


roxanne said...

These really are so nice to have, and a great gift!

Erin said...

I have seen these used by a few moms recently and wondered where they got them!

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

So awesome!! I'm a follower, voted, and checked out the site! I'm expecting in August, and it would be awesome to have a light cover to nurse with! I wanna win!!

shana said...

i'm due in october with our #6. i had a nursing cover, but sold it at a garage sale last fall . . . oops! anyway, i would LOVE to win.
(plus i follow, i voted and i visited!)

Emily said...

I'm a follower and voted.

I have a 4-week old baby and nursing in public is hard! This would make it so much easier.

Me, Myself and I said...

I'm expecting any day now and could really use one of these covers!!!

Mama K said...

Cute cover! Count me in :)

Mama K said...

Cute cover! Count me in :)

AmyLyn said...

Followed, Visited, and Checked out the site! (Signed, Sealed, Delivered!) I'm due any day as well and have heard these are amazing! Please oh please!

Esther said...

I follow, visited the cute site, and voted for you. This fabric is so cute and these are soooo useful!

:: ashley :: said...

follower since day 1 ;) i voted and visited her site

amanda said...

I'm a follower!! :D

Kristine and Ryan said...

I'm now a follower and voted. Love your blog! I've been wanting one of these covers for a long time. Please pick me. :)

Cambric said...

carli is the reason i follow ur blog (and bc ur blog freaking rocks). she introduced me to it. i voted AGAIN and visited her site! =D

Mallorey said...

I follow, I visited, and I voted! :)
I hope I win!
Thanks for the chance!

Gabi said...

I follow!

Gabi said...

I checked out the site and I would love a nursing cover. fathers_angel@yahoo.ca

Craig, Kimi, Eli, and Owen said...

I follow you blog, checked out the site and voted! Something like this could come in handy with baby #1 in September!

Club Jolley said...

This is an adorable nursing cover! Such a great gift for someone (or for yourself!). :)

The Nilsson's said...

I followed and visited. My sister-in-law is due in about 6 weeks and would love one of these!!

CJJB Fam said...

I followed, visited, and voted. I would love a couple of these things and yes the fabric is adorable!

Thom and Laci Quist said...

I love having a nursing cover. I use mine all the time and could use another. I hope I win. Oh by the way I follow, I voted, and I checked out her website!

Ry and Ally said...

Cute cute stuff! oh and i voted!

Liz Johnston said...

I am a nursing mom. My cover is a little short and could use a buddy to rotate with. :) thanks.

Liz Johnston said...

I follow you

Becca said...

Oh yay- count me in!!! Today's my birthday so maybe it will also be my lucky day. :)

seguita said...

I'm due in September--I'd love to win this nursing cover. I agree, very cute materials! Cher, love the "then comes baby" segment you've been doing.

Deedles said...

Did it all! Thanks for your awesome ideas Cher!

nap time journal said...

I follow and what great timing for this giveaway! I am due with #2 in a few weeks. I never had a cover like this with my first....this would be a life saver and besides, it's super cute!!!

Amy said...

What cute fabric for these nursing covers. I have a friend expecting in August. This would be a perfect shower gift. I follow and voted!!

Chelsea said...

Gr8test idea ever! These are so cute! Every mother needs one!

Heather said...

So cute!!!

Unknown said...

yay! i'm your 1900th follower! very lovely blog!

Unknown said...

yay! i'm your 1900th follower! very lovely blog!

Hammond Bride said...

I follow, I voted, and I visited. Now can I leave a comment without a mishap? :)

Diana said...

Follow, voted, vistited!

Kelsey said...

This blog is awesome! I'm happy to vote for it!

Erica said...

Just did all of the qualifying steps. I'm pregnant with my 2nd child and, boy, would one of these nursing covers have helped me out with the first one! I hear they're great!

Chelsea said...


Megan said...

So cute! Would love to win!

PaigeE said...

I'm 20 weeks pregnant! I need one of these :)

S Club Mama said...

I'm a follower - but this nursing cover wouldn't be for me. I have a friend expecting her 4th baby and she could use this (and would) more than me (I only nurse for a few weeks tops LOL).

Unknown said...

I follow u. amypugmire@live.com

Unknown said...

I checked out the site. I am due in sept and could definately use a nursing cover. amypugmire@live.com

Student Entrepreneur said...

I am a follower!!! And I love the Paisly print over at Carli's!!! And I voted for you!!

Shirley said...

I am a follower, voted for Love Actually on top mommy blogs, and visited her site.

I am loving all these mommies who are selling awesome nursing covers. They are way better quality than boutique ones and SO much cheaper. Thanks so much Carli for what you do!

The Sawyers said...

I love the print on this cover. I am expecting late this summer and would love this cover.

Emilee said...

I am a follower.


Emilee said...

I voted for you!


Emilee said...

I checked out Carli's website and everything is reasonably priced and I love the EZ wraps.


Dayna said...

Not pregnant yet but this will be great when I do have a baby!


Kirsten Smith said...

The fabric is so adorable! I've checked out her site and voted and of course i'm a follower!

Amy said...

followed, voted, and drooled over her site:)

Chanda said...

We are having our first baby in October & would love to win. I follow, I voted, & I checked out the great stuff on her site!

The Allen Family said...

Follow, voted and checked out her site. Such cute fabrics and great prices!

Kathryn said...

Aww yay so nice! I really need one of these!

Kathryn said...

I already follow love actually!

Kathryn said...

I checked out Carli's website!

Kathryn said...

I voted for you on top mommy blogs!

Joy Taylor said...

I love this idea. What a great gift too!

Anonymous said...

I follow. I vote. I win?? Ya?? OK!! :0)

matt and steph said...

Super cute fabric! Thanks!


Blake and La-Shana Francom said...

So cute!! Love the fabric!

Elder and Sister Clayton said...

This is Carli from EZ Nursing Cover. First I want to thank Cher for letting me do a give away! Next I want to apologize to you all who have checked out my site. Google Creator (the host for my website) picked a bad day to to switch my website to the new Google Pages Host. It completely messed my website up. None of my functions are working and there were white boxes all over the place that shouldn't have been there. I am so embarrassed :( I promise it was in fine shape yesterday. I think I have got it all fixed now, but I wanted to at least apologize! Please check out my site now. It is fixed I promise ;) Thank you for looking!

Stewart & Ciera Stout said...

I'm a follower! I LOVE my nursing cover, and would love to have another one to keep in my diaper bag so that I don't forget mine at home!

Dave and Karlee Waddoups said...

I follow you!

Melanie said...

Follower, voted, visited. These are the cutest covers I have seen.

Alissa@CraftyEndeavor.com said...

I'm a follower :D

Janelle said...

oh I want one I didn't have one with my first 2 and for this next one I really want one!

brightonislove said...

This would make a great gift...unless I need it soon :)

Sarah said...

I did the one two and three :)

Jessica said...

I love this idea!!!!!

The Holmgrens said...

I am a follower! I loved her website and the fabric choices. and I voted! p.s. I need a new one because mine was cheap and is no good after only one child. and I NEED a new one! NEED! SOON! :)

Marie said...

Done and done! I'm having my first baby in September and I have nothing for him yet!

LaNe aNd GiNa said...

I have loved your blog since you started it! It has given me so many great ideas!! Many thanks!!

Anonymous said...

i follow you

Emily said...

I just love your blog and have already used some of your ideas and had great results - glad to see more ideas about parenting too!

Lauren said...

I really hope I get one of these! They look so convenient.

The Armitage Family said...

I follow your blog!

The Armitage Family said...

I would love to win one of these to give to my friend that is expecting! They are adorable! I checked out the site!

The Armitage Family said...

I voted for you!

Anonymous said...

I follow...I vote...I nurse! I should WIN! :)

Seattle Coffee Girl said...

I am a follower!

brooke dot kingston at gmail dot com

ju.vanderw said...

Following since yesterday, and the website is gorgeous (I haven't bought a nursing cover yet - LOVE the pink baby one.), and I also voted.

The Picanco Family said...

I love your website and Love the Nursing Covers. I am preganant with my 3rd child and a second nursing cover could really come in handy.

~Walker Family~ said...

Would love to win one of these wonderful covers to use with my up coming baby

Matt and Morgan said...

I love it!!

Melissa said...

Pick me! So cute :)

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Pick me!!! i have some friends and or relatives that are expecting and that would love one. I have became a follower.

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

checked out the website

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

i think i voted. Not sure if i did it right

Dave and Karlee Waddoups said...

I think those nursing covers would be super handy! I checked out Carli's site... she has an awesome name!! My name is Karlee too!!

Dave and Karlee Waddoups said...

I voted for you!!!

Unknown said...

Already follow-Check, Carli's site-Check, Vote-Check!

A. Kerr said...

I love it! Did all 3.

Arual said...
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Lindsay said...

I follow your blog, checked out the site and voted! This would be great!

Jen said...

I followed all the rules and REALLY love these nursing covers! I'd love to win!

Jami Schoettler said...

I love these they are sooo helpful! Jami