Here's how it works:
There are sets of challenges (see below) in which each of you will have a certain amount of time to find books, magazines, etc. which provide the information you are looking for. The sets break it up so you don't have a gazillion books in hand when you finally meet to share what you found with your date. This way, you get to do a set of challenges, meet up to share, return those books, then go back out for the next set of challenges.
After each set, meet up in the comfy couch area where you will take turns sharing what you found for your challenges. Try to learn something new about that person (even if you've been married for 20 years!) Talk about each challenge and why you picked what you did (tell memories of it if applicable). Try to choose the least-busy night at that store so you will have free reign of the lounge area.
You can use this as a guide:
(Please do not post or duplicate this image without permission)
If you decide to forgo Set Four, don't forgo the Starbucks in the bookstore! Grab a hot chocolate and a pastry as you sit on the couch and talk about all the things you discovered about each other during the date.
Check out Kylee 's post about her bookstore date with her hubby--looks like they had a blast!
~ Submit your photos/post links to ccloveactually AT gmail DOT com if you've done this date! ~
PS - thanks for all your comments on my MIA post. I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. My family is doing well and we had enjoyable time together, celebrating the life of my grandpa. I'm going to be a little slow on posts the rest of the week...haven't had time to prepare any! So, make sure you become a follower if you haven't already to receive noticed when I post next (I anticipate it will be Saturday for a special Saturday Spotlight!)
I think this one would be lost on me and my hubs. Since we are both bookworms, we would become strangers in the store, lost in our own filthy addiction to his/her brand of books.
I love this one!
This is a neat idea. My husband loves bookstores, but I wonder, like H. Duhn said, if he would get lost and forget about the mission.
Sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you were able to get together with your family and celebrate his life.
I love this idea! =)
Our first date was actually dinner, and thin a stroll around Barnes and Noble with Starbucks in hand...
This is a SUPER cool idea! My husband and I are both huge bookworms and could spend hours in the bookstore just looking.
Gonna have to def. use this on our next date night! Thanks!
I love this idea! Looking forward to wrangling my husband into a date night at the bookstore =)
Thanks for posting another idea a dating couple can participate in! :0)
Great idea!
Stopping by from SITS to leave some sisterly comments!
Awesome as always!! I see now (don't know why I didn't before) that you have one already on your sidebar but I have something for you at my blog...and I'm glad that y'all were able to celebrate his life and just be together and help to heal each other....
What a great idea! Now if I can just convince dh...
This is a super cute idea I just odnt know if I can get my husband to commit although lol we do live in Alaska...it may not be that hard to get him to do so haha.
For all you girls who have problems trying to "convince" your hubbies...just tell him it's a "surprise date" and he won't have to know before hand. Anticipation kills alot of would-be-fun dates...but, once you do it, I'm sure it won't be a regret. It's all about changing things up now and then! Me and Hubby have had ALOT of fun dates that one of us had thought would be totally lame or boring...they are fun memories now!
Ok, I just want to say that I am so happy to have you back.
Are you doin ok girly? Everyone at Cher's house hangin in?
AND Hubs would just have to go. I'd say get in the car and shut your mouth till we get there. I am a demanding wife. :)
Way cute idea!!!! We never really know what to do on dates anymore after 8 years together. I'll have to come come for more ideas!! :o)
Oh, and thanks for visiting me, and for the pregnancy good wishes! I was WAY slow about responding. But am playing catch up today! :o)
I love this idea! It just may work b/c Barnes and Noble is one of my husbands fav. places. I can already see him finding a recipe for great sex to fulfill question #1.
Great idea! I've got to try this! I want so much to do new and creative things for the Babe!!
I love this idea, its a great way to get to know each other that much better.
I am totally doing this tomorrow night! So cute!
We frequently go to Barnes & Noble to look at magazines and books for free and share a coffee drink :) Love the challenge! So cute.
This looks fantastic! I'm using this and the Comedy Club night as two of the four special dates I'm giving to my brother-in-law for his wedding.
Thanks so much!
I love this idea! This will definitely be a date night for me and hubs in the future!
Love this idea! My first date with my hunny was at a Barnes & Noble. We met for coffee and ended up talking for 4 hours!! (we finished the coffee date because they were closing the store for the night) I definitively will be using this one. My hunny and I are planning date nights every other week and we alternate... one night is my turn and the other one is his, and we have to be a creative as possible :D
Thanks for the idea!
this is fantastic. Just what I've been looking for
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