Boxed cereal is definately the main food staple around our house. And occasionally, (usually on Saturday or Sunday mornings) it's fun to have a home-cooked breakfast. I've found that I can't go wrong with pancakes, eggs and bacon, but every now and then, I like to make something new... I have found some very tasty (and easy) recipes from some of my favorite cooking blogs and I thought I'd share them with you.
This won't be turning into a cooking blog, but good food goes hand-in-hand with romance. These recipes would be perfect for a romantic breakfast in bed on a lazy morning (if you can arrange for such a thing...).
For all of you who have lost touch with your lazy morning side (for some reason having to do with children), set your clocks early and enjoy breakfast in bed BEFORE the kids wake up.
This won't be turning into a cooking blog, but good food goes hand-in-hand with romance. These recipes would be perfect for a romantic breakfast in bed on a lazy morning (if you can arrange for such a thing...).
For all of you who have lost touch with your lazy morning side (for some reason having to do with children), set your clocks early and enjoy breakfast in bed BEFORE the kids wake up.
Caramel French Toast
{It really is a sugar bomb, but sooo worth it!}
{It really is a sugar bomb, but sooo worth it!}

(You can right click all the recipe images to save to your files)
Creamy Cinnamon Squares
{Don't those just look scrumptious? How can you resist?}

Recipe from: Gourmet Mom On The Go
Hashbrown Bacon Quiche
{Delicious!! ...breaks away from the sugary stuff. Serve with a tall glass of OJ.}

The picture of it, however, is borrowed...mine doesn't have 2 layers like that one, but it looks just like it otherwise.
Strawberry French Toast
{Whoa, I think I'm drooling! This is about as romantic as you're gonna get for breakfast!}
Below are not necessarily recipes, but ideas to spice up breakfast basics. By the way, heart-shaped food isn't just for Valentine's Day...just as your love isn't just for that day either!
So, whip out that heart cookie cutter, you're gonna need it for these:
{ Eggs In a Heart }
Just cut out a heart shape in the middle of the bread, pour in egg, and fry!

{ Fried Heart Eggs }
Click to get her instructions...they are helpful.

{ Heart-Shaped Strawberries }
This one's easy...but sometimes a visual reminder helps!

{ Heart Pancakes }
Make the pancakes like normal, then cut them out...

Bon Appetit! Oh, and don't forget to remind your love to

PS--I have linked this post to My Chihuahua Bites for her Tuesdays at the Table series to spread the bed-and-breakfast recipe love! Join in if you have a fun recipe to share!

What awesome recipes, although I think just reading them sent my cholesterol soaring through the roof. I was over at Bringing Creativity and saw your comment about the bacon and hashbrown quiche (I got real excited when I saw bacon and hashbrowns in the same sentence! *lol*) and decided to pop over and say hello. I will definitely be back!
Thanks for sharing the recipes. I am going to try the Hashbrown Bacon Quiche, oh and I can't pass up the Carmel French Toast. Which one to try first....sugar wins! lol
These sound delicious and would be a pleasant surprise for my husband this weekend. I'm like you, it's generally cereal except on the weekends. And, like you, it's almost always pancakes. My husband has complained numerous times that it's ALWAYS pancakes, so I'm thinking he'll LOVE this!
Oh the Carmel French Toast looks divine. I think I will have to leave hubby a hint for Mothers Day! LOL
All of this looks absolutely scrumptious!! I think I'm going to try the quiche one of these mornings before hubby goes to work...I'll have to get up kind of early but it will be worth it and a really nice surprise for him!! I love your blog--It's awesome!!!
mmmm... I can't wait to try these--love the less sugary hash brown quiche idea. Had to let you know that all the ideas I've been using on my husband inspired him to some romance of his own: he offered to make dinner & made pancakes but used choc. chips to write out "I love you" on mine and smiley faces on the kids ( I'll post pics on my blog)--thanks for bringing romance back to us!
Oh my goodness, these look so so good!!
I'm holding myself back from licking the computer. Those pictures look yummy!
GREAT Idea Cher!! Love Love Love it!!! I wonder if the fiance would feel the same?? :)
You'll be shocked I'm sure, but on the weekends my husband's in charge of breakfast, he's way better at it, he gets up earlier than I do, and if we're going anywhere it takes him less time to get ready after breakfast :) I'll have to show him these they look yummy :)
Yummy! I want to try all of these recipes. I think my hubby will like the Caramel French Toast and the Hashbrown Quiche. I'll surprise him.:)
Thanks for the recipes. We tried the carmel french toast for dinner last night. It was delish!
YUM!!! I love all the recipes! You are so creative!
I love the ones with the eggs in the middle! So cute, and the carmael looks amaaaaaaazing!
Cher we love those cream cheese squares at our house! Sooo good, but probably not good for you. I got the recipe from an application on my iPhone. Loving your blog!
Oh my goodness! Each recipe I looked at was better than the one ahead!! I want strawberry french toast so badly right now!
Those look so scrumptious! AlL OF THEM. Yummo...might have to leave a little hint for the hubby for Mother's Day ;)
Those all look amazing, especially the french toast. Thank you for coming to visit my blog the other day, and thank you for your kind words!
oh. yummmm. thanks for the recipes!
Ooh the hashbrown bacon quiche sounds amazing! I bet we'd love that. I'm putting it in my recipes to try.
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