Looking for ideas for your next date idea? How about watching Fireproof? {A heroic fireman in a failing marriage takes up his father's challenge to be part of a 40-day experiment designed to teach both husband and wife the real meaning of commitment. PG}
Michelle over at Her Cup Overfloweth invited her hubby to watch it with her...

And in case your wondering, here's my personal review of the movie. It don't think it should take any awards for best motion picture, but it definately made some awesome points about marriage. The whole idea of "not leaving your partner behind" was really quite inspiring and touching. It also demonstrates what spirituality and faith can do to help a marriage. I've kept this pretty general to not spoil it if you have not seen it.
Have you seen the movie? What did you think? (Just don't spoil it in your comment)

I loved fireproof!!
im not married yet but i think there's a lot you can learn from that movie and i enjoyed the humor side of it too!!!
Oh I love movies like this. They are so touching and moving. Great idea Cher and it seems easy enough to do :) Thanks for sharing!
I'm not married, but I've seen it also... If you can get past the horribly cheesy acting, it *does* have a good message... it was a little long and sometimes wandered off a bit from the main point. I think it's probably good to watch before getting married too because it brings up good discussion points that singles may not realize... so yeah, good movie, if not a little long and silly at times.
I would agree that it wasn't the best film, when it comes to acting and such, but I love the lessons you'll learn from just watching it. My Pastor actually did a series about Fireproof, it was really cool to, basically, get all the information from him then watch the movie with my husband after the final sermon in the series.
I agree about the acting, but the point behind the movie was awesome. The message was such a great positive one about marriage, and it is rare these days to see a movie like that. I thought it was great! My husband and I have watched it a few times, and it makes me cry every time!
I thought it was a great movie for couples married and not. It was a great message and yea cheesy but you can look past it to see the point.
The acting wasnt great.. but the movie sure is! I absolutely love that movie. my (now) hubby and i watched it a few weeks before we got married. its a very inspiring movie and made me appreciate all the things he does for me.
100% low budget, but 100% a 10! I loved it, and I think that every married/engaged/shacking couple should watch it and then give a copy to their best couple friends to watch. It's great...pass it on!
The message was the best I have ever seen in a movie. The acting not so much but it is a move every person male and female should see every few years of marriage.
I absolutely loved Fireproof and so did my future mr! I agree the acting was less than stellar but the message was loud and clear. We watched it while we were going through a difficult time and it really hit home. I highly recommend it.
I love your site! As a bargain hunter, I love cheap thrills and you've got some good ideas :D
Even though I didn't get to watch Fireproof with my boyfriend, it made me take note on my actions towards him :)
Like everyone said, the acting was....lacking, but it had a great message. However, I do have two criticisms of the message. First, the couple didn't have any children. I think children add a different dynamic to the relationship and I would have liked to see that explored. Secondly, I thought that the movie made it seem like as soon as you become a Christian, your marital struggles will be over and I know a lot of Christian couples who are struggling too!
Love your site, btw!
those are excellent points, "Sapphire". I kinda felt the same way. Being a Christian myself, I can relate. Just because you are a certain religion, have kids, dont have kids, whatever---doesn't dictate whether you have a good marriage or not. Those things can definately influence your marriage(perhaps greatly), but surely your struggles are never over...it's always something you have to work on. Hence, my blog title. Love...ACTUALLY. It's not just love because you're in love. it's actually because you work hard at it! And, I think they should add a sequel WITH kids...you're right, that would add a totally different dynamic. So, thanks for bringing up those points!
I'm thinking of renting this for our valentine's day evening at home! :) Cute invite idea! :)
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