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Body Shop Date Night & Roleplay

Ladies, start your engines!!

This is an idea that your guy just might love. The hubs and I created this idea from scratch and both agree that there are just a few small things that take it from mediocre to great (or "freakin' awesome" as my husband so delicately put it).

Obviously this is a roleplay idea and is intended to be sexy. But, for obvious reasons, I've tried to keep the suggestiveness to a minimum for this post. However, when it comes time for you to use this idea, you're gonna need to rev it up a little bit. Luckily, there are about a MILLION connotations/twists you can put on vehicle maintenance terminology. (google 'vehicle maintenance services' if you need ideas based off actual services). You'll find out why you need to do this in a bit..

Here's how it all goes down:

Stick a little "maintenance notice" in his car as early as you'd like prior to this date night. (could be the same day or a few days prior).

In preparation for the date,

- Wear some jean or khaki overalls...or anything that looks "auto shop technician-y"
- smudge some grease (mascara works great) on your cheek
- wear your hair up in a loose raggy ponytail (if applicable)
- brush up on your "car talk" and just spout stuff off like you know what you're talking about (this is useful during the "inspection" portion of the night)
- Gather some Gadgets: clipboard, tire pressure gauge, flashlight, a shop rag, (anything that could be useful during your "inspection")
- Put up some door plaques on your bathroom/bedroom doors. You may have to
change the inspection garage and maintenance shop mid-date if you're using your bedroom as both of these).

When it comes time for the date, welcome your customer to your Body Shop and invite him to "drive his vehicle into the inspection garage". You'll then explain that you, an experienced technician, will do a comprehensive inspection to identify any problems with his vehicle.

This is where you get creative. Use your gadgets (examples above) to measure, inspect, and do whatever the heck you want to do. You can make him stand a certain way, make him flex his muscles for you to measure, etc etc. (sounds corny, but seriously...this can be hilariously fun). Take notes on your clipboard during the inspection, without letting him see.

Then, when the inspection phase is through, prepare your invoice. This is where you want to write the "good stuff" using sexy connotations of auto shop lingo. (My example is boring, so don't copy it!!) Get creative!

Then give him the invoice and have him sign and date the bottom. (Put this in a secret scrapbook...you'll laugh about it years from now!)

The rest doesn't require much help from me.

Maintenance Shop comes next... (have him leave and re-enter if you need just for the effect) and then do your thing. After, the Car Wash (showering or bathing together...) is the perfect conclusion!

Oh, and, lastly...these might come in handy:

Download HERE (zipped file must be extracted before use)
*download fixed*

Remember, if you download, I think it's safe to say that you owe me a comment! :)


gina said...

This is awesome! My hubby will love it!!!!! Thanks!

Mama K said...

Great idea! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

wonderful! Hi! This post is likable and your blog is very interesting, congratulations!
add your

Anonymous said...


Erin said...

great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Jen said...

my husband will love it! thanks for the great idea!

Jessica said...

Haha! I absolutely love these!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the idea! I had never thought of a "body shop" - very clever, will steal!

Jewels said...

I think my husband is due for an inspection. It is his birthday. ;) Thanks for the idea.

Angela said...

I was just trying to come up with something for our Anniversary! It is my turn to plan....

You are so creative, Thanks a Million!!

Matt and Carly Van Dyke said...

LOL! This is hilarious! I can't wait to try it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all your ideas. I love this body shop and definitely plan to use it.

Katie said...

This is such a creative idea! I'm a little nervous because the hubs and I have never done anything like this, but I think he'll get a kick out of it! I'll let you know how it goes. :)

Unknown said...

this is a keeper. Question: do you know what I could have done wrong? I downloaded from your link and that worked fine except it was your examples instead of the blank ones. I don't actually want him looking forward to Sara instead of Laura :) Of course I can white it out or something. Thanks for this post!

Rebecca said...

This had me laughing out loud. You are so super creative and i love all your ideas!

Ginny Clark said...

downloading for some weekend fun :)
awesome idea, I love it

Hillary from The Beauty Mark said...

This is too cute! So creative...Thanks!

Hillary from The Beauty Mark said...

I had the same problem as Laura...HELP!

Niccole said...

i am always looking for new and exciting ideas to spice things up in my relationship, i think Hubbs being the man's man will absolutely LOVE getting his car worked on!

Amy said...

Great idea!! Being 7 months pregnant it has been hard to get in the mood even though he is so this is great!

Mr & Mrs John said...

As always, thanks for the great ideas and printables, Cher!

Mr & Mrs John said...

As always, thanks for the great ideas and printables, Cher!

Julie Barker Pullman said...

What a fun idea! I'm using your Romance Calendar, too. We're just so busy that it's nice to schedule some small ways for us to share the love throughout the week. Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration! I appreciate it.

Cher said...

Okay, Whoops! I replaced the example with (Sara) on it with the blank copy. So those of you who already downloaded--redownload! sorry! :) Glad you all are enjoying!! Thanks for letting me know!

Mif the mad said...

good idea! thanks

Tycksen Family said...

This is FABULOUS! Anniversary on a budget...here I come :). Thanks so much.

Jessica said...

Can I just say, that I LOVE you! You are so adorably cute. I love your ideas. I haven't actually used any yet (I'm pretty new to your blog), but I love doing little things like this and will definitely use some of your ideas. :) Thanks! Love it!

Matt and Jen McEvoy said...

I just had a baby 2 months ago and the hubby and I have really needed to re-kindle the old flame...I think this idea will definitely do the trick!! Now I just need a baby sitter!!! :) Thanks so much!

Heather said...

Awesome! I've been reading your blog and loving the ideas for awhile, but have been too chicken to try any out. I'm still a newlywed, so a lot of this stuff makes me feel a little silly and worried that my husband will think it's dumb. I really don't think he will, though; in fact, I think he'd really love it. I've downloaded and I think I'll try to be brave this weekend. :)

Cher said...

Yes, be brave! I'm sure he'll think he ended up with the best wive EVER.. (I'm sure he thinks that now, but it's always nice to be reassured..) :)

Amanda said...

After reading this I could not stop giggling- my husband would love this. Your ideas are so amazing and fun! Thank you for sharing them. LOVE IT!

Ashley said...

Great Idea!! Thanks

Jes said...

lol...so Ive totally been planning on doing this since you posted it (my hubby is OBSESSED with cars so this would be extra funny!) :) ...but Im having troubles thinking of some awesome 'auto lingo connotations'!! I only have a couple so far! lol... you guys should email me some ideas! *wink*
rockstar_72x {at} hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

Haha, it's my husband's birthday today and I'm using this for tonight. I'm going to try not to giggle and to be serious! Wish me luck! :)

hombreda said...

Thank you so much for the ideas. It is time to start reigniting the flame in our marriage.

Jason and Jackie said...

I LOVE your bolg. My husband is not so great at the romantic stuff and I am trying to lure him in with your ideas. I think he may just love this one!

Rosie said...

I LOVE THIS!! He's taking his last final right now and he'll need some maintenance after this hard semester. I'm way excited for our date tonight!! Thank you!

Katie said...

You are pretty much amazing! Thanks for the great ideas, and making our marriage so exciting! I love your blog...please keep the ideas coming!

Jen said...

Wow my hubby will be so excited thanks! I'm a mom of two boys and I'm trying to get pregnant again and I was wondering if you could come up with some ideas for romance when you have kids? I need to search your blog more to see if you already have some but thank you!

Lucy Bowman said...

This is such a great idea. You and your husband are so creative. Thanks for being willing to share. This is going to be fun!

Unknown said...

looking forward to this and many more. thank you so much for the downloads with 3 kids under 5 it's one less thing i have to try and figure out THANKS love youe creativity

simplyfunlady said...

Cher, I have had a BLAST going through your date night ideas! I have downloaded a few things, and I am super excited about the body shop night(tomorrow!)! And, the Booty Call night- I ordered the outfit on Amazon today! Can't wait to see how it looks and his face when he sees whats happening! Thanks SO much for helping me throw some spice into our love life! Please know that I sincerely appreciate all the time and energy you put into this blog and sharing your amazing ideas! Thanks!

Jenna Marie said...

I had never done anything like before... so I was sort of nervous to try it... and Wow! It definitely was a hit!! For me and the Hubs! I don't have any neighbors close, so I actually put down all the seats flat in my van and had the "inspection" there. It was a lot of fun! Thanks so much for everything you do on this site! I'm sure it's added so much to so many marriages! :)

Becca said...

You rock!! :)

Kate said...

Great idea! We've never done role playing before - I'm a little nervous to try this, but I think hubby will love it. Thanks for all your great ideas!

Brittany said...

What a cute idea! Thanks! My husband will love it =D

Anonymous said...

I had to transate the sheets first to use them on my non English-speaking husband, but it was worth it! THANK YOU!

Maren & Danny said...

can't wait to get my man's motor running! ;0) thanks!

Katie Rose said...

Can't wait to try this! I think I'll also make a certificate for "Free Emergency Roadside Assistance", available 24/7, guaranteeing he will be "repaired and back in operation with little delay" and "No minimum service required!!)
Thanks for this great date idea! You are amazing!

DeAnna said...

Such a great blog you have here. I love this idea. I can just see my hubby coming home the next night claiming the 24 hour guarantee.

Jim and Vanessa said...

I'm tying this in with your recent Remember When Valentine's day post. We used to play "doctor" so he's due for a checkup... body shop style.

Crystal said...

Thank you for this idea! I used it for V-Day and my husband loved it! I changed some things around, however, to make it work better for the time of day. He came home from work and I had the "body shop" all ready. But I was already showered and had my v-day lingerie on underneath grubby coveralls. Since he just came home from work I had him take the car wash after initial inspection. :) Home-made dinner was his fuel-up. Then began maintenance. Thanks, again!

[Mrs. Bergen] said...

Sent this to my friend whose husband just happens to be an auto repair man. I think they'll have fun.

Jill Bayless said...

This is right up my husbands alley:) Thanks so much for sharing!

Rachelle said...

Great ideas, you guys are awesome!

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

This is hilariously awesome and brilliant. My hubby would LOVE this!

Charlotte Evans said...

For some reason the download isn't working for me. ANy ideas of what I can do, I want to do this this weekend!!

momof5 said...

What a great idea. You are so creative. Thanks for sharing.

FelisG said...

What a great, creative idea. I will be doing this. Thank you!

SariahHunt said...

I love your ideas. I come to your site often for ideas when our romance is in a slump

Rainy_Dai said...

I just found your blog and i know my bf will fall in love all over again after this!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Unknown said...

Love the idea... works with my date night movie marathon of Fast & Furious...thx!! CG

Unknown said...

So enjoying your blog, all the way down in sunny South Africa. had tons of fun adapting some of your ideas to Jozi. Love the Body Shop idea, wondering how to implement with 2 teenagers in the house .........

Unknown said...

My husband us a shop teacher and mechanic! I can't wait to try this out!!! Thanks for such a cute idea!!!

emy4jesus said...

This might sound dumb, but I cannot figure out how to download the files. It takes me to a very weird page with a lot of download buttons :) Thanks.

Student Mommy said...

Is this supposed to be an exe file?

Unknown said...

Your awesome! My husband and I will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this year! I love your ideas and creativity to keep things spiced up!

Unknown said...

Do not download this. Whatever was once there, is now malware.

Lee said...

The download isn't working...HELP!!! I love this idea and would love to access the downloads!