BBQ season is in full swing and if you're man is in charge of the grill, I think it'd be a good idea to get him one of these (even if you have to make it yourself!)

Ha! Love them.

Ha! Love them.
Okay, maybe this one is not appropriate for your husband...but still funny.

I found these aprons HERE.
Anyone have any AWESOME grilling recipes they'd like to share?
I won a free apron from a company a while back and decided to use my freebie to give a gift to my husband who loves to grill. So I bought him a bright red one that says, "I Make Things Sizzle". He loves it!
My husband has the one that says "CAUTION: Extremely Hot" (but in black) I love it! He is so stinkin hot when he puts that thing on!! :):) So cute!!
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I made my husband an apron! It started off as a joke. I embroidered a rooster, and arrow pointing down and kiss the cook. He was so proud of it!
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