I'm going to make an educated guess that my blog viewers are all girls--if I'm wrong, guys, PLEASE leave a comment to correct me. I'd be flattered to know if there was even ONE male reader.
The reason I even bring it up is because I imagine all you girls read my posts and think about how or when you might try that idea. And you think, I'll never have time to try all these on my own--I WISH my husband would read some of these and do them for ME! But, then, you DON'T actually want that because then he'll see all the ideas that YOU want to try.
Maybe I need to start a "No-Girl's-Allowed Club" where only the boys can go to get ideas for you. They'd be simple, creative, and romantic ideas that any girl would appreciate. {And, who cares that he didn't come up with the idea himself...}
How well would this work? Is it worth the time and effort I'd put into it?
I'd have to know that you'd be sending your men there to look!
Would they actually go there...? Maybe if you threatened them?
How would you tell them that they NEED to go to that site?
Would you be tempted to peak?
It's just a thought. A work in progress.
But, you know your men best. What suggestions can you offer me for how it might work? Please take the time to let me know if you're husband would look and if you'd enjoy that.
I'm going for at least 15 positive comments to fuel this club...
The reason I even bring it up is because I imagine all you girls read my posts and think about how or when you might try that idea. And you think, I'll never have time to try all these on my own--I WISH my husband would read some of these and do them for ME! But, then, you DON'T actually want that because then he'll see all the ideas that YOU want to try.
Maybe I need to start a "No-Girl's-Allowed Club" where only the boys can go to get ideas for you. They'd be simple, creative, and romantic ideas that any girl would appreciate. {And, who cares that he didn't come up with the idea himself...}
How well would this work? Is it worth the time and effort I'd put into it?
I'd have to know that you'd be sending your men there to look!
Would they actually go there...? Maybe if you threatened them?
How would you tell them that they NEED to go to that site?
Would you be tempted to peak?
It's just a thought. A work in progress.
But, you know your men best. What suggestions can you offer me for how it might work? Please take the time to let me know if you're husband would look and if you'd enjoy that.
I'm going for at least 15 positive comments to fuel this club...

The Mister doesn't even read my blog, so I doubt he'll be visiting any time soon. Sounds like a great idea! Good luck with that and Hi from SITS!
My hubby said he would read it... (I'm a lucky girl!)
I may be the only man that follows your blog!
I'd love it. I'm pretty sure my husband would look.
I think that would be an awesome idea! I would flat out tell my husband to check it out and I know he would be just as excited to get some new "romantic ideas", just like I was when I found your site! I wouldn't care that they weren't his own original ideas! I'd just be happy he was using them!!
My husband said he'd check it out, and I think that would be a fantastic idea!
Please do it! I would love it.
My wife has had me check our your blog a couple of times, I'd be game to check it out.
I'd gently encourage my husband to check it out. Every 3 days or so. :)
LOL- I just deleted a post I left not even realizing it. What a goof I am at times. =)
I think it's a fantastic idea! I would definitely find a way to get Dan to visit the site. Any little bit of assistance in the romance dept (for either spouse) is a great thing!!!!
My husband is like the first, doesn't read my blog, so I don't know if he would do it, but it you do it, I'll definately send on the info and give it a shot :)
My husband would LOVE someone to give him ideas... at least I think he would :). I think a No Girls allowed blog would be great! Would I be tempted to peek?? maybe... but I like surprises more, so I could be strong and keep out :)
I'd tell my husband to read it too, I'll just send him a link. But how could I do that without seeing it? Well I guess I just wouldn't read it. Yea... great idea! My hubby doesn't read my bkog either... Probably a good thing. But if I asked him to he probably would ;o) thanks for the idea!
ya i think you should do it. i think guys want to be cute and romantic but they need a little (big) nudge in the right direction.
If you tag all the blogs the same, like "Men" then we could just give our guys the static URL for those posts (ie, http://loveactually-blog.blogspot.com/search/label/Men)
Then, they would see just what's for them no matter when/how often they check.
As I was reading your blog - I kept thinking, "I wish my husband would read a FEW of these!" What a great idea for a "No Girls Club" - I'd DEFINITELY tell my hubby about it - and I think he'd go and check out the ideas. Keep us posted on if (and when?!) that might happen! thanks again!
Yes- do it!! My husband is always saying he needs ideas.
I know I'm a little late posting to this. But just wanted to let you know that I'm a guy too. Just started reading your blog though but can't wait to try out a lot of the stuff. But maybe a guys-only one would be great too. This way I could tell my wife about this site. Haha...just don't want her to know my new ideas.
Totally do it! My husband might not read it, but I know some married men (in-laws mostly) that would love to.
I am a man, and I just found your blog today. I have been reading some of your posts, and thinking of ways to adapt them for me to use with my wife. We like to try fun ways to keep the romance alive even with our 2.3 children. Some of the ideas are super fun, but can really only be successfully done by women. (i.e. turn me on instead) I for one wold follow a blog with ideas for husbands.
My husband would go check it out. Do it.... :)
My husband only reads my blog when I make him but I would tell him he HAS to read the No girls allowed club blog! I would love for someone to give my husband some cute ideas.
I've been a faithful follower now for just over 2 weeks ( had I not seen the ad in the FREE section at Craigslist I don't know where I'd be now), and I absolutely love all the effort and energy you put into making this blog! You have inspired me to stop wasting every Friday night in front of a Redbox movie with my hubby, and make some memories togeher like we used to do back in the day. Okay, so it really hasn't been that long ( we are just approaching our 3 year anniversary). But I would love for my hubby to be able to get creative and sweet ideas on his own, and he would be more likely to read a blog directed only towards men. Not to mention, if he read all the great ideas on here, how could I surprise him anyway? I mean, after all that is half the fun! So yes, definitely no girls allowed, sounds like just the support he'd need to get in touch with his romantic side again, and anything that promotes him being romantic - I am all for! Thanks again for your wonderful blog! I love it, I love it, I love it!
I would really like the no girls blog for my husband! I KNOW he would look! He works a lot, and uses his computer a lot. And NEVER knows what to do. Most of the time, we sit and wonder what we could be doing. We don't have very much money, so I love your blog. So PLEASE make that blog, I would really appreciate it, as my husband!
I'm a guy and I read your blog :)
DEFINITELY! I'm an avid follower of your blog and my husband loves the fun little date ideas that are from this site and he's always telling me that he feels bad that he's not as creative and doesn't come up with the ideas as easily. He'd be all over it and I wouldn't peek. :)
my husband would love this i'm sure!! when can we expect to see this?? it sounds so fun!!
I would check it out!!!
I just found this blog and LOVE it! What cute ideas! I think you for sure need to do one for the guys! My husband said he's read it :)
I think that you have a fantastic talent. Doing a blog for the men would be something to try.Maybe you could set it up somehow like the espn page since I am sure a lot of men know how to get around that webpage. lol
Hi. I just found your blog today and I love it! I've been thinking of starting a similar one of my own, but now I don't know if I can, since I'd end up just posting a bunch of links to your blog! =)
Anyway, I think this is a marvelous idea. My husband said he would look. I'm looking forward to it!
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